5 Jan 2022

"Dirty Little Gentile-Mud-Blood" Emma Watson Supports Palestine - Demented Land Thieving Jews Call “Antisemitism”

Harry Potter star Emma Watson expressed support of The Gentiles in genocidal Jew occupied Palestine on social media and all Azkaban broke loose.

Al Jazeera: The official Instagram account of British actress Emma Watson has expressed solidarity with Palestinians in a new post, eliciting widespread support from pro-Palestine users but also drawing strong criticism from The Jews.

The account of the film star, known for her role as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films, shared a picture on Monday from a pro-Palestinian rally with the phrase, “Solidarity is a verb”.

Go Forth And Multiply!

Corbett: Do you think the world is overpopulated? Are you worried that having a baby would contribute to climate change? Deep down, do you hate humanity? If so, then it's time to stop swallowing the propaganda of the anti-human death cult and to realize that creation is our ultimate act of rebellion against the elitists and eugenicists.

Meta Censors Anti-Imperialist Speech In Obedience To The US Government

'The US government is the single most tyrannical and oppressive regime on this planet. It terrorizes entire populations and works to destroy any nation which disobeys its dictates, it has spent the 21st century slaughtering people by the millions to preserve its unipolar domination of the planet, it imprisons and tortures journalists for exposing its war crimes, and it aggressively censors political speech around the world.'

By Caitlin Johnstone: Anti-imperialist commentator Richard Medhurst reports that Instagram has deleted some 20 images from his account and given him a warning that he could face a permanent ban if he continues making similar posts. The posts in question are screenshots from a Twitter thread Medhurst made to commemorate the two-year anniversary of the Trump administration’s assassination of renowned Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani.

Now People Are Dying From The Vaccine

'The extraordinary increase in deaths and hospitalizations is associated with the Covid vaccines. ... In a nutshell, the vaccine undermines the human immune system and turns it into a weapon against your own body. '

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: OneAmerica is a large life insurance company in Indianapolis. The chief executive officer, Scott Davison just announced that judging by policy claims Americans of working age are suddenly dying in unprecedented numbers. He reports that all life insurance companies are experiencing a 40% rise in the death rate. “Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic. So 40% is just unheard of.” These are not Covid deaths. They are deaths from conditions caused by the vaccine.

Brian Tabor, president of the Indiana Hospital Association, reports a corresponding huge increase in hospital caseloads, not from Covid but from all sorts of things, things known to be risks of the vaccine.

In other words, the extraordinary increase in deaths and hospitalizations is associated with the Covid vaccines.

Google Manipulates Results As "Mass Formation Psychosis" Searches Explode Due To Collapsing COVID Narrative

'Those not under the spell are evil, need to be locked up, arrested, and are deemed domestic terrorists by the collective.'

Authored by Matt Agorist: Those paying attention to the current situation regarding the establishment’s control on the narrative around Covid-19, have watched as anyone — including esteemed experts in the field — are censored into oblivion for attempting to put forth information that challenges the status quo. For the first time in recent American history, merely talking about alternative treatments for a disease is met with mass censorship by big tech. This is diametrically opposed to actual “science” and the opposite direction in which a free society should be moving.

One of the people who has been censored the most is Robert W Malone MD, MS who is one of the inventors of mRNA & DNA vaccines. Dr. Malone has been outspoken about the way the establishment system is handling, or rather mishandling, the covid crisis.

His Twitter account had grown to over a half million followers last week before the platform decided that his alternative views on the pandemic were a danger to the narrative. So they banned him.