13 Feb 2022

Our Leaders Are Out Of Control

"We are heading down a very dangerous road. You can only insult, abuse and discriminate against your own people for so long before they eventually get fed up and the hostility is reaching frightening levels, people's kids are being taken away from them for refusing to take the vaccine, people are being fired from their jobs for disagreeing with vaccine mandates." -Brittany Sellner

Embalmers Reveal That Blood Clots Caused By Covid mRNA “Vaccines” Killed Most Of Those They Prepare For Burial

Anna Foster is an embalmer with 11 years of experience in Carrollton, MO. In this interview, she reveals that 93% of her last 30 cases died due to clots from the COVID vaccine.

By Steve Kirsch: The big news is that she found the unusual clots in 93% of the last 30 people who she embalmed. This is significant because she isn’t selective about who she embalms.

Free Speech In The UK?

"It isn't hate to speak the truth."

  • "It isn't hate to speak the truth." — J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter books, Twitter, June 6, 2020.

  • "An entire generation are puzzled by the idea that anyone has the right to say things they don't agree with...for most people, true free speech has ceased to exist.... On some issues, such as the transgender controversy, it is virtually impossible to say anything without attracting the attention of the Thought Police." — Peter Hitchens, author and journalist, Daily Mail, December 11, 2021.

  • "Among millions, the idea that you can defend someone's right to say something you disagree with is now puzzling. They have no idea why anyone would do that. For them, the debate is over, they have won, and those who oppose them are stupid and wrong." — Peter Hitchens, Daily Mail, December 11, 2021.

  • "They also view my doubts about the theory of man-made global warming as 'denial' of a fact which they regard as proven. To them, this is little short of sabotage of efforts to combat this peril." — Peter Hitchens, Daily Mail, December 11, 2021.

  • "All of them believed that they owned the truth, that they were profoundly good and that those who got in their way were therefore evil as well as wrong." — Peter Hitchens, Daily Mail, December 11, 2021.

Since Washington Wants War So Badly Why Doesn’t Washington Simply Attack Russia?

The Black Sea is to Russia what the Mediterranean Sea was to the Romans – mare nostrum, our sea.” Stoltenbergs announcement is akin to Russia announcing that Russia is considering establishing a Chesapeake Bay Battle Group.”

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Washington keeps on adding fuel to what it says is a Ukrainian crisis.  Washington puppet Jens Stoltenberg, the nominal secretary-general of NATO, says NATO is considering a larger and permanent Black Sea presence.  The Black Sea is to Russia what the Mediterranean Sea was to the Romans–mare nostrum, “our sea.”  Stoltenberg’s announcement is akin to Russia announcing that Russia is considering establishing a “Chesapeake Bay Battle Group.” Stoltenberg added that NATO is planning to establish battle groups in Romania and in other countries around the Black Sea.  Why such dangerous provocative actions at a time of  such high tension?  Why is Washington pouring gasoline on a fire?

Even I did not suspect this level of Washington irresponsibility.

The End Of Facebook - They're Scared

"Do you want the good news or the bad news? ...Good news, we're record breakers. ...Bad News? ...We're fucked!" -Russell Brand

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Brother Says Canadian Truckers Are Protesting Against “House Of Cards Of Lies”

"With this covid scam it's been two years of fear, fear, fear, from my brother and the media and the global corporatocracy disconnecting people creating uncertainty doubt mental health challenges, division amongst everybody. ...It seems to be the script, he is representing a pharmaceutical agenda, a world economic forum, Bill and Malinda Gates agenda that is decidedly un-Canadian and Canadians never voted for vaccine mandates. ...Make no mistake, I've been speaking with these truckers and the reality is they just want our freedom back. ...This has become a clarion call for Canadians to stand up and demand our freedoms and let's have a discussion. One of the challenges that Justin and the pharmaceutical corporatocracy have is you cannot debate because their science doesn't stand up to debate. Truth stands up to debate!"