1 Mar 2022

Ukraine Update

'The Russians have not issued international arrest orders for American and European war criminals for their crimes against humanity in Serbia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and for their various assassinations.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Begin by reading Michael Hudson’s explanation that the sanctions actually fall on Germany and serve the interests of the three interest groups who rule in Washington. https://www.unz.com/mhudson/america-defeats-germany-for-the-third-time-in-a-century/   The sanctions do far more to serve Washington’s interest than to hurt Russia’s.  For Russia the main burden of the sanctions is the insult.

Russia is in position to issue crippling sanctions against the US and Europe, but so far has not done so.  The Russians seem determined to prevail with as little force as possible. The Kremlin has not paralyzed Germany by turning off the gas. The Russians have not nationalized US and European assets.  The Russians have not disrupted global supply chains by refusing to sell minerals. The Russians have not stopped the export of wheat.

So They DO Run The World + We’re Not Allowed To Discuss This + Jimmy Dore: Establishment Are Shitting Their Pants

Russell Brand: As the WEF pushes a digital ID that proposes monitoring online behaviour, purchases, biometrics, and more – we are heading towards our own social credit system!

Corporations OWN Our GOVERNMENTS

"There's a conscious effort on the part of the corporate state to deny an education to the oppressed to hide the fact that these structures of power are designed to destroy their lives. ...We have to begin to build a consciousness to overthrow the corporate state." -Chris Hedges.

The Crisis In Ukraine Exposes The Hypocrisy Of The Jews' Anti-Gentile Israel Regime And Its Zionist Allies

The Christian and Muslim Palestinians have every right to ask why Western leaders, led by Biden, are imposing crippling sanctions on Moscow and threatening more retaliatory action if it continues with its invasion of Ukraine, but don’t take similar action against The Jews' anti-Gentile genocidal colonialism.

By Yvonne Ridley:
In Scotland, when someone is on shaky ground or skating on thin ice they are said to be hanging by a “shoogly peg”. That is exactly where Israel has found itself over the crisis in Ukraine as the hypocrisy of Tel Aviv and its Zionist allies is exposed for the whole world to see.

According to them all — the US, the UK, the EU and Israel itself — Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty are sacrosanct. Why, though, do each and every one of them not apply the same principle to Palestine and the Palestinians?

"Pandora's Box Of Harms": How Public Health Erred On Side Of Catastrophe

In a coercive mass experiment, governments opened a Pandora's box of harms....

Authored by Brian McGlinchey: Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, proponents of lockdowns, shelter-in-place orders, mask mandates and other coercive government interventions have characterized these measures as benevolently “erring on the side of caution.” Now, as the grim toll of those public health measures comes into ever-sharper focus, it’s increasingly clear those characterizations were terribly wrong.

What’s less readily apparent, however, is how the very use of the “erring on the side of caution” framing was injurious in itself—by thwarting reasoned debate of public health policies, diverting attention from unintended consequences, and buffering the Covid regime’s architects from accountability.

To understand how the misuse of “erring on the side of caution” performed a sort of mass hypnosis that coaxed populations into two years of submission to disastrous, overreaching policies, consider how the expression is typically used.