18 Mar 2022

How To End This War - Negotiate! + The 3 Ways You're Being Lied To In This War

"The reality is, if you're being objective, The United States did cause the situation."

Moment Of Clarity with Lee Camp

Putin Blames Western Ruling Elite For Global Economic Problems

You are being persistently told that your current difficulties are the result of Russias hostile actions and that you have to pay for the efforts to counter the alleged Russian threat from your own pockets. All of that is a lie.”

“The truth is that the problems faced by millions of people in the West are the result of many years of actions by the ruling elite of your respective countries, their mistakes, and short-sighted policies and ambitions. This elite is not thinking about how to improve the lives of their citizens in Western countries. They are obsessed with their own self-serving interests and super profits.”

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson: Vladimir Putin gave a speech in which he blamed the ‘western ruling elite’ for creating the economic hardships impacting people in Europe and the United States.

During a speech that was broadcast live on Russian television, the Kremlin frontman also slammed Russian oligarchs fleeing to Israel as a “fifth column” of “national traitors” who see themselves as a “superior race” and “cannot make do without foie gras, oysters or gender freedom as they call it.”

They're Coming For Me - My Response + You Couldn’t Make This Shit Up + You’re Not Going To Like This

"The establishment and the lame-stream media are coming for this channel!"

Russell Brand: After a few days of disparaging articles written about me, today we look at whether the stories are justified and how they fit into a larger media agenda.

Putin Warns Russian People About US CIA's Planned Bio-Weapons Attack, Hardship, Pro-Western 'Traitors' And Scum

Putin delivered a stark warning to Russian "traitors" who he said the West wanted to use as a "fifth column" to destroy the country. Putin has stressed that the people of Donbass have experienced eight years of genocide.

President Vladimir Putin: 

Saudis Prepare To Back The Petroyuan

Story #1: Saudis In Talks to Start Selling Some Oil In Yuan https://anti-empire.com/saudis-in-talks-to-start-selling-some-oil-in-yuan/

Biden Ends Military Aid for Saudi War In Yemen (Feb. 5, 2021)


US 8-Year CIA Program Provoked Russian Invasion: Report

CIA paramilitaries had been training Ukrainian forces... since 2014 and were only pulled out by the Biden administration last month...

Authored by Dave DeCamp: CIA paramilitaries had been training Ukrainian forces on the frontlines of the Donbas war against separatists since 2014 and were only pulled out by the Biden administration last monthYahoo News reported on Wednesday, citing former US officials.

The CIA first sent a small number of paramilitaries to eastern Ukraine when the war started in 2014, which was sparked by a US-backed coup in Kyiv and the Donbas separatists declaring independence from the post-coup government.

As part of the training, CIA paramilitaries taught Ukrainian forces sniper techniques, how to operate US-provided Javelin anti-tank missiles, and how to avoid being tracked on the battlefield by using covert communications and other means. The former officials said at first the CIA was surprised at the capability of Russia and the separatists compared with US adversaries in the Middle East.