7 Apr 2022

US Officials Admit They’re Literally Just Lying To The Public About Russia And The Top Lame Stream Media Colludes

'So they lied. They may hold that they lied for a noble reason, but they lied. They knowingly circulated information they had no reason to believe was true, and that lie was amplified by all the most influential media outlets in the western world.'

By Caitlin Johnstone: NBC News has a new report out citing multiple anonymous US officials, humorously titled “In a break with the past, U.S. is using intel to fight an info war with Russia, even when the intel isn’t rock solid“.

The officials say the Biden administration has been rapidly pushing out “intelligence” about Russia’s plans in Ukraine that is “low-confidence” or “based more on analysis than hard evidence”, or even just plain false, in order to fight an information war against Putin.

The report says that toward this end the US government has deliberately circulated false or poorly evidenced claims about impending chemical weapons attacks, about Russian plans to orchestrate a false flag attack in the Donbass to justify an invasion, about Putin’s advisors misinforming him, and about Russia seeking arms supplies from China.

Proof: Zelensky REJECTED Peace With Russia

Jimmy Dore: Reporting from the Wall Street Journal as well as recently unearthed video footage of an interview with a top lieutenant of President Zelensky reveal that Ukrainian leadership was not only well aware of the risk of a Russian invasion, but that Zelensky and company rejected a possible peace deal and instead allowed Russia to be pressured by the US and NATO to launch that invasion.

Irish Lawmakers Call For Urgent Actions Against The Jews' Anti-Gentile Apartheid Regime Israel

Middle East Eye: "EU members have profited well from The Jews' apartheid regime over the years. Since 2012, EU member states have sold arms to Israel to the tune of nearly €700 million per year." Irish lawmakers on Wednesday called out the West's​​ double standards for imposing sanctions on Russia after invading Ukraine but not doing the same to Israel over its violations in Jew occupied Palestine.

Will Famine Emerge By Year End? ...Yes

Peak Prosperity: The inflation riots have begun. Peru and Sri Lanka both are experiencing violence as inflation spirals the prices of basic necessities higher and higher.

We’ve been here before, and recently. The Arab Spring was a period of social unrest and riots in 2010 and 2011 that was triggered, in part, by spiking food costs.

As Alfred Henry Lewis said in 1906, “There are only nine meals between mankind and anarchy.”

But before pure anarchy comes, society experiences increasing unrest and the erosion of social bonds and niceties. That’s where we are now.

"What Have We Done To Our Kids?"

The Teen Girls Aren’t Going to Forget

"It’s like a sci-fi show where people went to sleep and woke up two years later." Lockdown is over, but the scars of isolation aren't going away...

Authored by Suzy Weiss: Lily May Holland, 16, remembers the long, lonely days during lockdown when her parents, both doctors, were at work. She’d watch “Gilmore Girls” and “Gossip Girl” and “Grey’s Anatomy” over and over. She stopped eating and started doing Chloe Ting workouts. “I’d have gum and a smoothie all day,” she said. They lived in the sticks north of Charlottesville, Virginia, on a dirt road between farms and trailer parks and the occasional Baptist church, and she didn't have a license, so she couldn’t go anywhere or meet any friends. Teachers would post assignments online, but it was like—who cared? Everything happened in isolation, like they were atoms. “I would’ve gone to parties, and me and my friends were planning to go to concerts, and homecoming,” Lily said. “I had crushes freshman year. But all that fell away.” 

Teenagers need a social life. Every single study and report and piece of data tells us so. But we don’t need studies to tell us what we all already know. Ask yourself: What would it have been like if you had spent your thirteenth year in solitude?

China In First Response To Bucha Killings Tells West "Avoid Unfounded Accusations"

Says images "very disturbing" but facts must be independently verified...

By Tyler Durden: Multiple days following Kiev alleging mass killings of civilians committed by Russian forces in the Ukrainian town of Bucha which has been driving headlines in the West, China has weighed in for the first time, also as the EU and US ratchet sanctions on Moscow over what they say are clear war crimes.

China's ambassador to the United Nations Ambassador Zhang Jun said on Tuesday that the reports and images coming out of Bucha are "very disturbing", but stressed that any accusations against Russian forces must be independently verified and based firmly in facts.

"Attacks against civilians are unacceptable and should not occur," the ambassador said. "The reports and images of civilian deaths in Bucha are deeply disturbing."

But he added a key caveat while stopping short of condemning Moscow or Vladimir Putin, stressing that "circumstances and specific causes of the incident should be verified and established" and that "all sides should exercise restraint and avoid unfounded accusations."

The Real One-World Government Conspiracy Is US Unipolar Hegemony

'These newspeak terms “rules-based international order” and “rules-based global order” really mean nothing other than “Washington-based global order”. It is wordplay designed to sidestep less convenient terms like “international law”, which is very clearly defined and not nearly as subject to US control as these other terms which mean nothing other than whatever the US empire wants them to mean.'

By Caitlin Johnstone: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has announced that he expects NATO will be deepening its relationship with its “partners” in the Asia-Pacific because China has not condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“We see that China has been unwilling to condemn Russia’s aggression, and has joined Moscow in questioning the right of nations to choose their own path,” Stoltenberg said at a press conference on Tuesday. “At a time when authoritarian powers are pushing back on the rules-based international order, it is even more important for democracies to stand together, and protect our values. So I expect we will agree to deepen NATO’s cooperation with our Asia-Pacific partners, including in areas such as arms control, cyber, hybrid, and technology.”