25 Apr 2022

How Jews Use Their Religion As A Settler-Colonial Weapon In Their Anti-Gentile Apartheid Regime Israel

Ali Abunimah: Since the start of Ramadan, The Jews have carried out near-daily attacks on worshippers at the al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem, the third most revered site for Muslims all over the world.

The Jews, for example, terrorized worshippers with an assault during dawn prayers on the second Friday of Ramadan, smashing the mosque’s ancient stained glass windows, and injuring more than 150 people.

It’s an alarming echo of what happened last year, when The Jews attacks triggered a full-scale confrontation between Israel and Palestinians across their historic homeland.

UK Column News

"A president who plunged his country into austerity and poverty."

French Presidential Election - Massive Ukraine Propaganda In the West - Propaganda Parallels Between Ukraine and Syria - Weapons To Ukraine - The Online Safety Bill - The Predatory Family Sex Show - The Rapid Interconnected Shift In the Global Economic System - Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson, David Scott Vanessa Bealey and Katy-Jo Murfin with today's UK Column News.

Woke Disney Has Lost $34 Billion In Value Since Embarking On Culture War With Parents In Florida

Get woke, go broke!

Disney’s market cap has shrunk by nearly $34 billion since the company expressed its full-throated opposition to a Florida law banning instruction of gender identity and sexual orientation in public schools for kindergarten through third grade.

Authored by Tom Ozimek: Florida lawmakers in March passed HB 1557, dubbed by opponents as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, which was signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis on March 28.

That same day, Disney waded deeply into the controversy, issuing a statement highly critical of HB 1557 and saying it was the company’s objective to have it repealed.

From March 28, the day the company issued the statement, to April 22, Disney’s market cap has fallen by around $33.9 billion.

Backers of the legislation say it gives parents more power around deciding how and when topics relating to LGBTQ issues can be introduced to their children. It also gives parents the opportunity to sue school districts for violations of the rules set out in the legislation.

DeSantis BACKS Musk And Makes Move That’ll Shake Twitter To Its Foundations

"They rejected it, because they know they can't control Elon Musk." - DeSantis

The Gates Musk SECRET No One's Talking About! 👀

WeAreChange: This video breaks down the Bill Gates Elon Musk spat and shares the secret no one's talking about.

Χριστός Aνέστη - Christ Has Risen - Apparently...

Angelos G Agathangelou: After running the gauntlet of Jerusalems hasidic Jews attempting to drench them in spit as usual the Greek patriarch of the church of the holy sepulchre and many other Greeks and other races of Christians gathered together for Easter in spite of the disgusting Jews to celebrate the fact that even though real immoral Hebrew Jews of antiquity [not these modern converts who are actually not Hebrews, but are pale and often blue eyed North Eastern Europeans] had god's son, the personification of good, crucified, god's kid pulled a Dionysus and came back to life, because let's face it, he was like any other Greek god on earth, heroic to the point of divinity. Apparently.