2 Jun 2022

Special Counsel John Durham’s Failed Russiagate Investigation

Neither the military-industrial complex nor the Jewish Neo-Con-Artist warmongers were going to let President Trump proceed with his goal of normalizing relations with Russia.

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Years ago I wrote that nothing would come of Special Counsel John Durham’s Russiagate investigation.  Yesterday I was proven correct. A politicized Washington, D.C., jury threw out the only case Durham has brought against a seditious operation that began six years ago.  Michael Sussman, a Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer was cleared of lying to a FBI agent, the only crime Durham could find of a massive operation orchestrated by the CIA and FBI to prevent President Trump from normalizing relations with Russia. 

American foreign policy was set on a totally different course from Trump’s intent by the Jewish neo-con-artists with the Wolfowitz doctrine of US hegemony.  Russia has to be pushed back and overcome with problems that would drain and redirect the Kremlin’s energy away from opposing US unilateralism.  After pouring $5 billion into preparing the overthrow of the Ukrainian government, the Jewish neo-con-artists struck with the US-orchestrated “Maidan Revolution” in 2014 and installed an anti-Russian Jewish puppet government.

The Russians Are Talking About Nuking The U.S. & U.K. Over And Over Again. Why Won’t We Take Them Seriously?

Russian politicians openly talked about destroying both coasts of the US with Sarmat Satan 2intercontinental ballistic missiles… Four missiles and therell be nothing left.” We have no defense against them.

By Michael Snyder: Circumstances seem to keep pushing the United States and Russia closer and closer to a horrifying showdown.  If I was in the White House, I would be doing all that I could to try to find a way out of this mess.  Unfortunately, the guy currently leading our nation is a hothead in an advanced state of mental decline, and he is surrounded by the worst foreign policy team in U.S. history.  That is a recipe for disaster, but most Americans seem to be entirely convinced that a full-blown war with Russia is extremely unlikely.  Most of us seem to think that we can keep escalating the conflict in Ukraine without ever suffering any serious consequences.  Unfortunately, the Russians see things very differently.

On Russian television, there is constant discussion about how the conflict in Ukraine is really a proxy war between the United States and Russia.  For example, just consider this recent quote

15 Things I've Learned In 15 Years

1. People don't fundamentally change when they "wake up"

2. Almost no one is actually anti-war nor actually pro-freedom

3. People want to be ruled

4. Everyone's your best friend . . . until you say something they disagree with

5. Most people think this is a spectator sport

6. People do not rationally arrive at conclusions, they "feel" something to be true and then rationalize why their feeling is correct

7. The more you learn, the less you know

"The Deep State Is In A 'Do-Or-Die' Moment" - Alex Newman Warns Globalists 'Need To Terrify Everyone'

...Deep State globalists are afraid the world is waking up to the tyranny they are trying to impose on every country on earth.

teaser imageVia Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog: Author of the popular book “Deep State” and award-winning journalist Alex Newman says Deep State globalists are afraid the world is waking up to the tyranny they are trying to impose on every country on earth including America.

Things are not going as smoothly into their so-called reset as they had envisioned. 

Newman explains, “The Deep State is in a ‘do or die’ moment right now..."

"They, the elites or predator class, recognize that they are now locked into this.  If they try to retreat, there is no retreat.  People are waking up at such a rapid rate that they are in a moment where they are going to have to go for broke and try to impose the whole agenda and damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead or they are going to be in big trouble.  They are going to be prosecuted.  Right this moment, there are conversations in state attorney generals’ offices all across the country, and this is a problem.  People are demanding prosecution..

The Bostonians

“It was nothing new to Verena that if the great striving of Olive’s life was for justice she yet sometimes failed to arrive at it in particular cases.”

By MRA UK: In the Fiamengo Files 2.0 Janice is focusing on early feminism, mostly in the nineteenth century. In a recent TFF2.0 video she acquaints us with the relevance of The Bostonians in this respect. This is the Henry James novel that depicts the views of feminists in the 1870s. You may wish to watch Janice’s video first.

Published in 1886, The Bostonians was set around 1874 and hence rather nearer to the end of the American Civil War (1865). I find the denouement of the novel rather unconvincing, despite James being classed as a “realist”. I suspect that designation relates to his representations of the details of social mores and the everyday minutiae of life, rather than plot credibility. Plots were to James merely the coat hangers on which the interesting clothing was hung, and coat hangers are not there to be noticed.

This book, then, is about feminism in (to use the UK designation) the mid-Victorian era. It is set in the fashionable circles of Boston and New York.

"Men's Rights Trial Of The Century" Depp v Feminist Heard

The Verdict Is In For Depp v Feminist Heard!
Skip to around 23 minutes for the virdict.