10 Jun 2022

Systemic Destruction

PP: Chris is joined by author of 'The Rise of the New Normal Reich' -- CJ Hopkins.

Survey Of US Corporate Financial Officers Found 100 Percent Of Them Expect A Recession To Start In The Months Ahead

'Nightmarish inflation is officially here.'

By Michael Snyder: Have you ever heard of a survey where 100 percent of the respondents agree?  I can’t ever recall seeing one like that, but as you will see below, 100 percent of the corporate CFOs that were just surveyed by CNBC believe that a recession is coming by the end of next year.  At this point, our economic troubles are growing so rapidly that you would have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to see what is happening.  A meltdown of historic proportions has already begun, and there is economic gloom just about everywhere that you look.

But even though the U.S. economy is clearly moving in one direction, I still didn’t expect to see this sort of a consensus among corporate financial executives…

According to the majority (68%) of CFOs responding to the survey, a recession will occur during the first half of 2023. No CFO forecast a recession any later than the second half of next year, and no CFO thinks the economy will avoid a recession.

The CNBC CFO Council Q2 survey is a sample of the current outlook among top financial officers. It was conducted among 22 chief financial officers at major organizations between May 12-June 6.

Of course they are right on target.

University Study Finds Higher Risk Of Psychiatric Diagnoses Among COVID-19 Patients

"There appears to be a clear excess of mental health diagnoses in the months after Covid"

Authored by Naveen Athrappully:
A recent study published by Oregon State University discovered that COVID-19 infected individuals have a higher chance of developing psychiatric disorders within about four months of contracting the virus. 

For the study, published in World Psychiatry on May 7, researchers used data from the National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C). They matched 46,610 patients infected with COVID-19, which can trigger a respiratory tract infection (RTI), with control patients diagnosed with a different RTI.

This allowed researchers to specifically look into how COVID-19 affected the mental health of infected individuals. No patients with any history of mental illness prior to 21 days after a COVID-19 diagnosis were included in the study. Those with a medical record extending a year prior to their COVID-19 diagnosis were also excluded.

UN Nebenzya: "Big Israel Regime" Sexual Violence In Ukraine

"Dear Westerners, You're just like Goebbels!"

RN: Statement by Permanent Representative Vasily Nebenzya at the United Nations Security Council meeting on sexual violence and human trafficking in Ukraine. Theses: The unwinding of accusations of sexual crimes committed by Russian military personnel from the very beginning of the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine has become a favorite technique of the Kyiv regime and the collective West. We all remember how in the Ukrainian and Western media, Russian soldiers were repeatedly accused of sexual violence, while referring to some messages containing supposedly reliable data. No evidence was presented for this.

Study US Foreign Policy By Looking At Oil Reserves: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

'I have no idea who Grayzone’s source was, but if Russian hackers are indeed exfiltrating authentic documents about the powerful and leaking them to the public I say bully for them. It’s not like we can get information about their dirty secrets ourselves.'

By Caitlin Johnstone: None of the world’s worst people are in prison. Most of them are fabulously wealthy and widely esteemed. Our systems are not set up to reward beneficial action and punish wrongdoing; at the scale that really matters, they are set up to do the exact opposite.

One of the main reasons it was necessary to rehabilitate the popularity of George W Bush was because otherwise it would be harder to get future presidents to do the kinds of things he did.

Dave Weigel retweeting a sexist joke has ignited more mainstream controversy about the Washington Post than the fact that the Washington Post lies about every US war and is solely owned by a plutocratic intelligence contractor whose interests diametrically oppose the public’s.

Feudalism 2.0

Corbett: Today we examine the implications of a fearful new religion that is being promoted in the mainstream media to introduce a new feudal society to the public.