Foodie Call: Why Do Men Owe Women Resources Without Any Reciprocation? A Response To Roma

"He doesn't owe you a damned thing!"

HoneyBadgerRadio: If you turn someone into a vending machine for your needs, do not be surprised when they return the favour. If you wouldn't treat a female friend like this, don't treat men like this.

Dave Chappelle Cancelled By Minneapolis Theatre + Putin Drops 2 Minutes Of Truth About America & Ukraine - Dore

"U2 force feed you the fucking album, funded by Fauci out of Wuhan!"

Jimmy Dore: Owing to his “controversial” comments about trans issues, legendary comedian Dave Chappelle is facing severe blowback, most recently involving a Minneapolis club canceling his show at the last minute. The theater then issued a statement apologizing for having booked Chappelle in the first place, offering some pablum about the venue being a “safe space” and a location where diverse opinions are welcome (although not ALL opinions, of course).

Jimmy and America’s comedian Kurt Metzger discuss this latest installment in the cancellation wars and when liberals and conservatives switched roles in the censorship wars.

“They Came After Me”

"Fundamentally the mainstream media think you are stupid and that you are incapable of forming your own opinion. They want to control the information that you are given!"

Russell Brand: How do you best share information and find truth in the digital age? This is something I've talking to award-winning investigative journalist Aaron Maté about. He’s recently been called "the most prolific spreader of disinformation" on Syria by a source in mainstream media.

Grevio Third Report, June 2022

'Consequently the UK ratification of the Istanbul Convention appears to have been carried out under false pretences.'

From the report (members of Grevio)

By William Collins aka MRA-UK: In the accompanying post I noted that the concerns of an MP over ratifying the Istanbul Convention (IC) were addressed in a letter from the Home Office which contained this statement,

“I would like to reassure you that my ministerial colleagues and I are satisfied that the Convention applies to male victims of these crimes as well as female ones”.

I noted that the IC gave no such impression, and myriad reasons to think the opposite.

I also noted that the UK will now become subject to monitoring by Grevio, a body created under the IC for this purpose.

Grevio’s Third Report was published on 14 June 2022. If the Home Office’s claim that men and boys are included (as potential victims) in the IC is credible, then one would expect this to be reflected in Grevio’s report. For example, the indisputable lack of service provision for male victims would be certain to be a particular focus of attention. I have therefore examined the report for any sign of concern over male victims.

"The Magnitude Of Evil That We Are Dealing With"

The Pfizer and Moderna mRNAvaccineswere never designed to protect you from Covid. They were designed to change your DNA. - A genetic toxin has been put into the entire human genome.

Remember What Biden, Fauci, The CDC Idiot, Told Us: “If You Have The Vaxx, You Are Safe From Covid”

Biden has had 4 jabs and he has Covid.

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: A large and growing body of scientific evidence proves that the unvaccinated are far less likely to get Covid than the vaccinated, that the vaccination undermines your immune system, causes serious injury and death, and causes the virus to mutate.

In other words, we were lied to again just like we are every time officialdom speaks.

"If you, or someone you know has recently had unsafe sex with Jo Biden, please seek precautionary medical attention!"