6 Aug 2022

Christian Doctors, Nurses Win $10.3 Million Lawsuit After US Hospital Denied COVID Shot Exemption

First US class action settlement involving a COVID shot mandate should be a wake-up call to every employer that did not accommodate or exempt employees who opposed the COVID shots for religious reasons. NorthShore University HealthSystem will pay more than $10.3 million for unlawfully discriminating against more than 500 current and former health care workers and for denying religious exemptions from the COVID shot mandate.

By Liberty Counsel: There is no pause button on the federal employment law under Title VII. Employees do not lose their right to reasonable accommodation for their religious beliefs simply because an employer or even the federal government pushes a vaccine mandate under the guise of a pandemic. It is past time for employment law attorneys to stop sitting on the sidelines. They need to help people obtain justice.

US Mercenary Describes Horrifying War Crimes Committed By Ukrainian Forces + Pelosi-Pocalypse

VB: A recording of an American mercenary explaining how they tortured a Russian soldier, cut the tendons in his legs, and then made him swim across the river and shot him as he struggled.

Know These Things About Alex Jones

'Anyone who rises above the crowd is their target, because they ARE the crowd, gnawing their way to oblivion.'

By Jon Rappoport: Let’s start here. While Jones was supporting Trump, he also mercilessly attacked the horrifically destructive COVID vaccines. In the process, he forcefully awakened millions of Trump followers to a truth they were unaware of or didn’t want to face. In the process, lives were saved.

Decades ago, long before it was fashionable to do so, Jones explained and righteously attacked Globalism and the Rockefeller Empire.

Perceived by the public as living on the political Right, Jones confounded that perception by attacking both big government and big corporations, while so-called conservatives were routinely and conveniently letting criminal corporations off the hook.

About 20 years ago, the day after George Noory interviewed me about those corporations, Jones called me out of the blue and insisted I come on his radio show and talk about the subject at length.

Damning Amnesty Report Spotlights Ukraine Using Christians As 'Human Shields' - "Ukraine = Big Israel" Shills Angered

Amnesty condemns Jew run Ukraine's military

By Tyler Durden: Amnesty International has in a surprise shift placed its human rights scrutiny on Ukraine in a fresh report released Thursday. It immediately sparked a firestorm of criticism as both Western pundits and Kiev officials themselves blasted the findings as "unfair".

The Amnesty report said investigators had "found evidence of Ukrainian forces launching strikes from within populated residential areas, as well as basing themselves in civilian buildings in 19 towns and villages" in three war-torn regions of the country from April through July.

The report detailed that schools and hospitals, as well as people's homes, were put in harm's way, suggesting 'human shields' type tactics utilized by the Ukrainian military.

"Such tactics violate international humanitarian law and endanger civilians, as they turn civilian objects into military targets. The ensuing Russian strikes in populated areas have killed civilians and destroyed civilian infrastructure," Amnesty continued, saying this resulted in Russian attacks on said civilian infrastructure.

Truth Has Been Criminalized!

'It was the same for President Kennedys assassination, his brothers assassination, 9/11, the Gulf of Tonkin, Saddam Husseins weapons of mass destruction, Assads use of chemical weapons, the Jews' attack on the USS Liberty, etc.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Establishment’s determination to close down narrative-challenger Alex Jones has put Sandy Hook back in the news.  As First Amendment protection is fading, I checked to see what I had written about Sandy Hook.  I was relieved to see that I had only reported on the skepticism and asked questions.

My search of the IPE archives brought up my articles on other controversial shootings–Las Vegas and Orlando–and the Oklahoma City Bombing.  The common thread in all of these incidents is that the narrative is established the minute the news is reported, and officials and media never vary from the narrative.  As soon as it happens, the government and the media already know what happened.  No investigation ever takes place.

The Jews Murder Another 10 Gentiles And Maim In Surprise Attacks On Gaza Mega Concentration Camp

The anti-Gentile Jews' aggression will make even deadlier escalation by Christian and Muslim Freedom Fighters unavoidable.

Ali Abunimah and Tamara Nassar: The Jews launched surprise attacks across the Gaza Strip on Friday, killing 10 Palestinians, including another little girl.

More than 60 more people were maimed, including at least 10 children.

Freedom fighters retaliated late Friday evening, the first retaliatory response on behalf of Christian and Muslim Palestinian resistance groups.

A spokesperson for The Resistance told the network Al Jazeera that they were prepared for as long a battle with The Jews as is necessary.

The spokesperson added that The Jews' surprise attack came despite on-going efforts by Egypt to mediate a de-escalation with the group, following The Jews' arrest of a senior freedom fighter commander in The Jews' West Bank mega concentration camp earlier this week.

Other freedom fighters gave their full backing to this response and said resistance factions were united and working in coordination against the Jewish invaders.