11 Aug 2022

US Counselor For Sex Offenders Defends "Minor-Attracted Persons"

Suggests pedophilia should be accepted as a normal sexual preference...

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson: A counselor for sex offenders who works with the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections has stoked controversy after defending minor attracted personsand comparing pedophilia to a normal sexual preference.

In a video posted to YouTube that has since been clipped and posted to Twitter, Miranda Galbreath describes adults who are sexually attracted to children as “probably the most vilified population of folks in our culture.”

“The term pedophile has moved from being a diagnostic label to being a judgmental, hurtful insult that we hurl at people in order to harm them or slander them,” Galbreath insisted.

“I also like to use person-first language that recognizes that any label we apply to a person is only part of who they are and doesn’t represent everything that they are,” she added.

Asserting that “many minor-attracted persons never act on their attraction,” Galbreath complained that saying mean things about would-be child molesters is harmful to an “already marginalized population.”

The False Narrative Of Slavery

US Republicans attack Matt Walsh for telling the truth about US slavery

By Andrea Widburg: One of the most pernicious things that has happened recently in America is the 1619 Project, an error-riddled "history" of the United States that presents our nation as one predicated solely on the evils of African slavery, beginning when Europeans first set foot on North American soil.  This original sin, says the 1619 Project, tainted everything that followed.  Therefore, only racists can love America.  Obviously, Democrats embraced this history, but, when commentator Matt Walsh discussed the larger history of world slavery, he learned that some Republicans don't want the truth to be put out there, either.

In 2019, Nikole Hannah-Jones, who knows nothing about history but a great deal about propaganda, working with the New York Times and the New York Times Magazine, developed the 1619 Project.  The project essentially says that America's original, and entirely unique, sin of slavery is so deeply embedded in the warp and woof of this nation that America itself is irredeemably corrupt.  The purpose is to drive an immovable wedge between Blacks and Whites in America, preventing the national unity that gives a nation strength.

The Dark Side Of The Digital Revolution

'Any people stupid enough to trust government with central bank digital currency deserves to be the slaves that they will be.'

By Paul Craig Roberts: People love the digital revolution.  It allows them to work from home and avoid stressful commutes and office politics.  The young love their cell phones that connect them to the world. For writers the Internet offers, for now, a far larger audience than a syndicated columnist could obtain.  But while we enjoy and delight in its advantages, the tyranny inherent in the digital revolution is slowly closing its grip on our lives.

Use a gender pronoun or doubt an official narrative and you are blocked from social media.  The same corporations that are required by federal law to send us annual statements on how they protect our privacy also track our use of the Internet in order to build marketing profiles of us.  The FBI, CIA, and NSA track our use of the Internet to identify possible terrorists, school shooters, drug operations, and foreign agents.  Face identification cameras now exist on the streets of some cities.  DNA data bases are being built.  It goes on and on.

The Dumbest Thing Pelosi’s Ever Said + CBS News Tells Truth About Ukraine & Gets In Trouble! + Roger Waters Rocks

Jimmy Dore: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was never known as a talented orator, but lately her speech pattern has descended into a level of incomprehensibility typically associated with head trauma sufferers. The most recent example: her explanation for the affinity she feels for the Chinese people because children, as she recalled, frequently talking about digging down to China. Excellent point, Nancy!

Jimmy and his panel of The Dive’s Jackson Hinkle and America’s comedian Kurt Metzger wonder what on earth could be going through Pelosi’s head when she makes statements like this one.

It Was All A Fucking Lie + Alex Jones Trial - You Need To Know This

Russell Brand: As evidence emerges that counters what pharmaceutical companies have been telling us regarding the causes of depression, how much of “trusting the science” is about massive profits for pharmaceutical companies and the politicians they have in their pockets?