18 Aug 2022

So, It WAS All A Scam

Russell Brand: Private health care companies are scamming us. Today I'm joined by Dr Bob Gill who tells me all about the privatization of healthcare, how the scamdemic response was about profit, big pharma's funding of the FDA and its biased medical research. You will LOVE this!

Justice For Liberty

"Israeli defense forces. I don't know why they call them defense, because they were attacking us. ...It was absolutely a deliberate attack!" An attack on America by The Jews! "It's a shame that our government [US] is afraid, actually afraid to tell the truth about what happened.”

If Americans Knew

There Is No Climate Crisis: History Shows Us That The Earth Has Seen Far Worse

'Whenever high temperatures are reported in the US or Europe the news is hyperinflated into wild theories of climate Apocalypse by the media, but weather history suggests that the panic is fabricated rather than justified.'

By Tyler Durden: Climate science has been so suffocated by ideological zealotry it's becoming difficult just to find normal objective analysis these days.  Any piece of data that contradicts the man-made climate change narrative is surrounding by a spin machine that either dismisses the information or obscures it in a deluge of global warming propaganda, inoculating the reader well before they get a chance to digest the news that maybe climate change is not all it's cracked up to be.

Russia And China Connecting Continents With Soft Power - Matt Ehret

vanessa beeley: An alternative to Western supremacy and tyranny is taking shape in the world

A conversation with author and historian Matt Ehret covering Russian and Chinese global 'soft power' initiatives. Unlike Western neocolonialism which has destroyed and divided continents and destabilised sovereign nations to enable the plunder of resources and has stunted development of 'third world' countries and peoples - the Russian and Chinese model is based upon unification of continents and 'win, win'.

Russia, China And India To Hold Massive "Vostok" War Games In Two Weeks

"The aim is to deepen practical and friendly cooperation with the armies of participating countries, enhance the level of strategic collaboration among the participating parties, and strengthen the ability to respond to various security threats."

By Tyler Durden: Chinese troops will travel to Russia to take part in war games along with India, Belarus, Mongolia, Tajikistan and other largely anti-Western countries, China's defense ministry said on Wednesday, adding redundantly that China's participation in the joint exercises was "unrelated to the current international and regional situation." (Narrator: it is related.)

Last month, Moscow announced plans to hold "Vostok" (East) exercises from Aug. 30 to Sept. 5, even as it wages war in Ukraine. It said at the time that some foreign forces would participate, without naming them. It turns out that the "foreign forces" account for just under half of the world's population.