Russia’s Destruction Of The Ukraine Military

'We can only hope desperate #EmpireAtAllCosts fanatics in London and Washington don’t commit a fatal blunder in their futile attempts to retain hegemony in the face of a resurgent multipolar world.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Unlike the Whore Western Media William Schryver Provides the Accurate Picture of Russia’s Destruction of the Western-trained Ukraine Military:

The “Demilitarization” of Ukraine has been precisely the Russian mentality in Ukraine. Their foremost objective, from the very beginning, as explicitly articulated by President Vladimir Putin in his historic speech of February 24, 2022, was to “demilitarize” Ukraine – to destroy its army.
When the war began, the most capable, experienced, well-armed, and well-positioned Ukrainian forces were NOT in Kiev, but in the Donbass and Mariupol. They had been positioning there for months, with the ultimate objective of retaking the Donbass and Crimea – a goal never far from the minds of Ukraine’s ideological and political leaders.

The Last White Person Is Slain by Diversity

'The problem we face is not racism. The problem is that the weakening by design of the Christian religion in the Western world has unleashed evil, and the West has failed to confront and constrain evil.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: A mantra of our time is that white people have “white privilege.” Here is the latest shocking example of “white privilege:”

Here is an example from Britain:

How long has it been since you have seen a corporate advertisement, or any kind of advertisement, in which there is a white couple with white children? Miscegenation is the requirement of diversity, which is a paradox as it means there will be no diversity, just a collection of brown people. Corporate advertisements increasingly consist of a black man with a white woman, or a white man with an Asian woman or sometimes a hispanic woman. The heads of corporations and the talking heads on TV are increasingly immigrant-invaders as are government officials, entertainers, and police. White people are being replaced in all visible forums.

Is Russia Or Europe The Target Of Washington’s Sanctions?

'The European benchmark price of electric power has risen 500% to $509 per megawatt hour. ...Meanwhile, Russia is benefitting from high energy prices and a strong ruble.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Washington’s “Russian sanctions” are the best thing that ever happened to Russia. The sanctions forced Russia away from her mindless effort to be part of the West, turned her toward her real allies, and forced Russia to do what she should have done long ago — bill her energy in rubles, thus supporting her own currency instead of her enemy’s. Washington’s sanctions are also benefitting Russia by tearing up the economies of NATO countries, causing dissension among EU members, and causing, finally, European peoples to wonder why their governments support Washington’s warmongering at the expense of the European peoples.

Washington’s sanctions fall on Washington’s European empire. The European benchmark price of electric power has risen 500% to $509 per megawatt hour. The European natural gas future price is ten times higher than it was a year ago. The idiot German government is “helping” the situation by placing additional taxes on natural gas.