23 Aug 2022

Ron Unz Exposes The Lords Of Illusion Who Keep The West in Total Darkness

This is an excellent article. Be sure to read it.

By Ron Unz: In Roger Zelazny’s classic 1967 science fiction novel Lord of Light, humans on a distant planet have employed technological devices to establish themselves as gods of the Hindu pantheon, each having particular aspects and attributes. Mara is the Lord of Illusion, able to reshape the perceived world in the minds of all those around him. Such an ability is powerful but not invincible since the physical reality remains unchanged, and Mara is slain in the very first chapter.

I think that story stands as an effective metaphor for America’s strengths in today’s world. Our country is so utterly dominant in the distribution of information and propaganda, including the electronic and social media, that we can easily persuade most of the world to accept as truth our manufactured illusions. But we cannot alter the underlying reality, perhaps leading to disastrous ultimate consequences.

Russia possesses a nuclear arsenal equal to our own and its revolutionary hypersonic weapons provide it considerable superiority in delivery systems.

We'll Do To The Americans What They Do To Russians!

RN: All this is happening, but no one in the United States knows about it! The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, addressed Ned Price personally from the briefing site on the issue of what is happening with the Russian media in the United States. Theses: I will definitely tell you about this, now, in more detail. First, I would like to say that we suddenly realized that this is not just segregation, and not even just persecution, but real persecution of the Russian media and journalists in the United States. This fact in terms of information is not known to the general public.

Americans Are Brainwashed Into Ignorance

'Soon we will have a country whose history has been recreated after the fact.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: White liberals have succeeded in brainwashing Americans into ignorance. White liberals have been so successful that schools are dedicated to erasing history instead of teaching it. For example, South Orange New Jersey has ridded itself of association with Thomas Jefferson by renaming Jefferson Elementary school Delia Bolden Elementary School in honor of the first black woman from that area to graduate from high school. According to the school, both the students and faculty led the fight to disassociate from Thomas Jefferson. School board member Qawi Telesford said the reason is that Jefferson owned slaves.

Jefferson owned slaves because slaves comprised the agricultural labor force of his time. Slavery was an inherited institution. It was established in territory that later became the United States long before Jefferson was born and long before the United States existed or was even a thought in someone’s mind.

There was nothing Thomas Jefferson or anyone else could have done about it. Turn them loose, you say. Examine what you are saying. 18th century slave owners, such as Jefferson, were not responsible for slavery. It was the existing labor institution into which they were born. Economists will tell you that the price of a slave was the present value of his lifetime wages. Having paid these wages in the slave’s price, how were agricultural producers to pay it a second time by freeing slaves and then hiring them back as workers?

Why Is the German Government Supporting Nazism?

'Incongruity is a major feature of the Western world. No truth can be found in any government or media statement. Reality is unfamiliar to the West as the Western world marches in total ignorance to its death.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: A few days ago I wrote about the mind-boggling incongruities of our time–http://stgeorgewest.blogspot.com/2022/08/the-incongruities-of-our-time-are-mind.html.
The incongruities become more pronounced with every passing day, and they go without notice or comment.

Afterwards, I read that a guard in Germany gave a Nazi salute to someone or on some occasion, meant probably as a sign of approval, and he was arrested for committing a crime. Germany is so thoroughly under the lock and key of the Jewish Lobby that Germans have no independent existence, especially as they remain occupied by Washington which permits no possibility of German sovereignty.

Play It Again Sam Harris

DoctorRandomercam: I might be the last to do this, but I might thereby be the longest. Something to do with laughing.

All conditions apply This content is NOT SUITABLE for the emotionally undeveloped, e.g. Children, Political Partisans, Mainstream Journalists, Silicon Valley Tech Bosses and ISRAEL. May not be recommended for pregnant women. Please consult your GP to find out if all of this is doing you any favours.

"The War On Drugs Has Failed": Colombia Will Decriminalize Cocaine

By regulating the sale of cocaine, Tascón argued, the government would wrest the market from armed groups and cartels...

By Tyler Durden: Colombia, the world's largest producer of cocaine, and the origin of more than 90% seized in the United States - is considering decriminalizing the drug in an experiment to end Washington DC's never-ending "war on drugs," according to the Washington Post.

Colombian Army examining a cocaine pack confiscated by troops. Thomson Reuters