2 Sept 2022

How The Cold War Was Resurrected

'The Reagan/Gorbachev historic achievement of ending the Cold War has been overturned by a handful of neoconservative Jews. We again face nuclear Armageddon and a vast array of idiotic and dangerous moves by Washington. '

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: My obituary of Gorbachev brought interview requests from three major Russian media organizations. At the risk of being labeled “a Russian agent” I accepted. It was an interesting experience. Russians tend to see NATO on Russia’s border’s as Gorbachev’s fault for not getting in writing the George H. W. Bush administration’s guarantee that NATO would not move one inch to the East if Gorbachev permitted the reunification of Germany. This is known as “Gorbachev’s mistake.”

I think this misinterpretation of what Gorbachev’s mistake was can be cleared up with a question: If a government does not respect its word, why would it respect its signature? Indeed, we have seen with later US regimes the breaking of arms limitation agreements that were signed.

Searching Beneath The Rubble Of Rafah

Residents of al-Shaout section of The Jews' Gaza mega concentration camp for indigenous Gentiles recount the horrific aftermath of The Jews' airstrikes that killed seven people. The Jews call the miirder of Geniles 'cutting the grass.'

By Ola Mousa: The night of 6 August was quiet in al-Shaout, a section of Rafah in The Jews' Gaza mega concetration camp for indigenous Gentiles.

Alaa al-Tahrawi, 30, was playing with her 3-year-old son Ahmad. She asked her husband, Ismail al-Malahi, 36, if he wouldn’t mind running an errand and taking Ahmad along with him.

Ismail had only been out of the house for a few minutes when he heard the bombings shortly after 9 p.m. In a panic, he started to rush home, asking people along the way if they knew where the bombing had occurred. He knew then it was al-Shaout.

He picked up Ahmad and ran. Once there, he saw collapsed buildings, a scene of destruction.

It took two hours for rescue workers to inform him that his wife had been blown to piece by The Jews.

The Jews' "Ukraine = Big Israel" Land Grab Is A Scam

"Boris went there to sabotage the peace deal! ...All this misery we now face [UK] due to this war, ...a quality of life permanently deformed, living standards crushed, destitution, depression, suicide. All of that could have been avoided but no, the [Jew lobby captured] regime wanted the war to go on.' -Paul Joseph Watson

US Congress Just Admitted That UFOs Are Not "Man-Made", Says "Threats" Increasing "Exponentially"

“...cross-domain transmedium threats to the United States national security are expanding exponentially.

Authored by Katie Hutton: The new spending plan for the United States’ intelligence agencies includes a directive to the Pentagon to concentrate its examination of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) on the types of objects that the military is unable to classify.

After years of discoveries of weird lights in the sky, first-hand testimonies from Navy pilots regarding UFOs, and investigations by the government, Congress seems to have conceded something unexpected in print: it does not think that all UFOs are “man-made.”

Two shocking assertions were just made by Congress, but they were buried deep inside a report that was an addition to the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023. This act is the budget that oversees the United States’ clandestine operations.

The Acknowledged And Proclaimed Purpose Of Western Universities Is To Destroy The West

The White Peoples Are Being Brainwashed Out of Existence

By Dr.Paul Craig Roberts: Western universities are fixed on a course that denies white students knowledge of the literature, art, and achievements of Western culture, focusing only on its alleged racism and collection of evils ascribed to “whiteness,” while teaching the students the culture and literature of other people.

As this headline in the British Telegraph puts it, “Universities drop Chaucer and Shakespeare as ‘decolonization’ takes root. Many British universities have sought to liberate their courses from ‘white, Western and Eurocentric’ knowledge”

To “decolonize the curriculum” means to deracinate it, to remove white ethnicities from their cultures. In other words, to dissolve Western civilization. This is now the main function of a university education. White students are to be isolated from their heritage by withholding knowledge of it, thus leaving white peoples without any sense of themselves. Kept ignorant of their heritage by the evicting of “whiteness,” they will only be taught the cultures of others. In other words, this is a chosen policy of cultural genocide via deracination.

We’re Being Trained To Worry About ‘Russian Propaganda’ While Drowning In US Propaganda

“Russian propaganda” is just a spooky story we are told to keep us from noticing that our civilization is saturated in US propaganda...

By Caitlin Johnstone: One of the weirdest, most insane things happening today is the way the entire western world is being trained to freak out about “Russian propaganda” — which barely exists in the west — while ignoring the fact that we are spending every day marinating in billions of dollars worth of US empire propaganda.

CNN has an article out titled “Darya Dugina’s death provides a glimpse into Russia’s vast disinformation machine — and the influential women fronting it” on the recently assassinated daughter of Alexander Dugin, a Russian political thinker of wildly exaggerated influence.

The article uses Dugina’s assassination to further stoke its audience’s ever-growing panic about Russian disinformation, quickly becoming a commentary on Russia’s entire propaganda network without bothering to articulate how Dugina’s death “provides a glimpse” into its workings.