30 Sept 2022

UK Column News

Mike Robinson, Patrick Henningsen and Vanessa Beeley.

No, Russia Didn’t Blow Up Their Own Pipeline

"The US did this! ...Putin can't hold a fucking candle to the US gangsterism! ...This screws Europe through this winter, fucking hard!"

Jimmy Dore: On Tuesday it was revealed that the Nord Stream 1 & 2 pipelines that carry liquefied natural gas under Northern Europes Baltic Sea had been sabotaged, rendering them inoperable, possibly permanently. And almost as quickly the finger-pointing began, with many in the West alleging that Russia had intentionally damaged its own pipeline while others claimed that a more logical explanation would pin the blame on the U.S., likely acting to eliminate any possibility that European countries will revert to relying on Russia as a source of gas.

Whodunnit? - Facts Related To The Sabotage Attack On The Nord Stream Pipelines

'The U.S. allegedly warned Germany of sabotage of the Nord Stream system. - This reminds me of President Joe Biden's warning of a Russian invasion in Ukraine early this year. - It is easy to predict such events when you are the one who intends to cause them.'

By Moon Of Alabama: For decades the U.S. opposed European projects to receive energy from Russia. It wants Europe to buy more expensive U.S. oil and gas.

the Lemniscat @theLemniscat - 15:56 UTC · Sep 27, 2022

US plan was always to stop EU buying Russia's gas
Rice:"You want to change the structure of energy dependence. You want to depend more on the North America energy platform ... to have pipelines that don't go through Ukraine & Russia"

Cry More, Globalists + Whose Idea Was This?

"Cry more, because France & Austria are next."

Anything Goes

Nord Stream Sabotage Revealed!

"It's a bad idea for JewMerica!"
Ex-Jew Nathanael:
Americas tack was always to stop Europe from buying Russian gas by any means including Mossad and CIA.