6 Oct 2022

"OPEC's Action Is Testimony To A Staggering US Geopolitical And Geoeconomic Error"

Germany’s Economic Minister came close to accusing the US and other allies of war-profiteering

By Michael Every: Yesterday was all about oil, geopolitics, and geostrategic errors; and, in the background, domestic politics, accepting past errors, and trying to make amends for them. Ironically, it all happened on Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, which back in 1973 jump-started a Middle East war, and then the energy crisis that led to the collapse of the post-WW2 Western political-economy model, and ushered in global neoliberalism.

OPEC+ lined up with Russia to slash output by 2m barrels a day from November and through 2023, pushing energy prices up, and seeing a slew of calls for oil to again top $100 in the near future. That was as US gasoline inventory data dropped 4.7m barrels to the lowest level since November 2014 despite apparent demand destruction.

The White House response was furious.

Family And Classmates Mourn Gentile Boy Who Was "Frightened To Death" By The Colonialist Jews

Middle East Eye: RayBan Suleiman, a seven-year-old Palestinian boy, died of a heart attack after being scared to death by Jewish apartheid regime mercs who chased him to his family home. Those close to RayBan spoke about their memories of him and what life is like for children in the Jews' West Bank mega concentration camp for indigenous Christian and Muslim Gentiles. Zelensky is also an ultra-Zionist Jew and he said that he wants to make "Ukraine = Big Israel".

Shabbos Goy Starmer Isn’t Cowed By The British Voters, He Works For The Jews' Anti-Gentile Apartheid Regime Israel

Starmer has been tamed like a circus lion, whipped into line by the Jewish Lobby. Those pressures won’t lift once he is in government. They will intensify.

Labour leader needs to win back the Red Wall, but he is avoiding the very issues they care about

By Jonathan Cook:
If there was one message Keir Starmer wished to underscore as he addressed Labour’s annual party conference last week, it was this: Labour was now incontrovertibly “the party of the centre ground”.

The British media’s raptures over a reinvented, supposedly more grown-up party – one ready for government, now that the Labour leader had buried the ghost of Jeremy Corbyn and purged the party of his wayward supporters – hid a far simpler story. Resolutely occupying the centre ground is Starmer’s only vision. It is his only proposed path to power.

Special Report: One Of The Nord Stream 2 Pipelines Was Undamaged

'The only question is whether the German officials are paid enough by Washington to sacrifice the German economy for their own self-enrichment.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: According to Bloomberg News, the incompetent US military failed to blow up one of the lines of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.  Germany now has an opportunity to escape the energy deprivation the government has placed on Germany by ceasing to comply with US Russian sanctions and signing off on the opening of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

The only question is whether the German officials are paid enough by Washington to sacrifice the German economy for their own self-enrichment.

Of course, the US might return to the scene of its crime and finish off the line it missed, but this might finally provoke some retaliatory action from the Goody Two Shoes in the Kremlin.

Population Control: US Planned Parenthood Encourages Teens To Take Puberty Blockers

'In other words, they suggest confused teens fight against their own biology by taking pharmaceuticals which are known to potentially cause chemical castration.'

By Tyler Durden: Why is Planned Parenthood so interested in trans identity politics when trans people are highly unlikely to have children (only 19%)?  It's just another sign that the trans agenda is far more about population reduction that is about personal rights.

A recently unearthed infomercial made by Planned Parenthood last year is marketed directly to teens and promotes puberty blockers as a means to disrupt natural body changes in order to make teens “feel more” like the gender they believe themselves to be psychologically.

Minds Caught In A Steel Trap

'Feminists teach women to hate men. White liberals teach blacks to hate white people. Woke leftists infuse white kids with guilt and teach them to hate themselves and their parents and to accept privileges awarded to theoppressed.” Gender depends on what you claim to be, not on biology or your body parts.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: In America today it is no longer possible for liberals and conservatives, left and right, Republicans and Democrats, blacks and whites, men and women to debate issues. The reason is that for liberals, leftists, Democrats, blacks, and feminists the issues are settled.  Conservatives and Republicans are racists, white supremacists, colonialists, and threats to American democracy. Heterosexual men are misogynists. There is nothing to talk about.  The guilty parties are known, as are the voices of truth. In place of debate the guilty parties are censored and silenced, which is the job of print, TV, the FBI, employers, and social media.