13 Oct 2022

Lancet Commission Report: 6 Reasons COVID Response "A Massive Global Failure"

'Numerous studies have shown that the immunity produced by the human body against viruses after natural infection is much longer lasting and stronger than the antibodies produced by simply stimulating T cells with vaccines.'

Authored by Dr. Yuhong Dong and Health 1+1: The Lancet COVID-19 Commission published an article on Sept. 14, 2022 about the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. As of May 31, 2022, 6.9 million deaths from COVID-19 were reported, but the estimated excess death toll is 17.2 million, based on data from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington. The report states that “this staggering death toll is both a profound tragedy and a massive global failure at multiple levels.”

The Government Also Taught Us To Lie

'Despite governments 100% lie record, people always fall for the next lie.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Yesterday I wrote about how the government taught us to steal.

Today the lesson is the government taught us to lie.

Can any reader identify one issue of consequence about which the government told us the truth?

World War I?  World War II?  The Korean War?  The Vietnam War?  The assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, his brother Senator Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King?  9/11?  The war in Afghanistan?  The Iraq War?  The destruction of Libya?  Assad’s use of chemical weapons?  Covid?  The Covid “vaccines”?  Ukraine?

Readers will find it easier to add to this list than to find one instance of the government telling the truth.

Yet, despite government’s 100% lie record, people always fall for the next lie, and by the time they catch on that they again have been played for suckers, the government has moved on.

Wait! So Pfizer KNEW All Along And Kept It Secret?

Redacted: The European Parliament held a hearing to discuss Covid response. In this hearing, a Pfizer spokesperson admitted that the Covid vaccine was never tested for whether or not it would stop the spread of Covid. Isn’t that why we were told that we all had to take it, immunocompromised or not? Isn’t that why vaccine passports were put into place? Did Pfizer really know that their vaccine would not stop the spread ALL ALONG?

“We Need To Back Off Ukraine” Military Leaders Tell Biden

Jimmy Dore: Admiral Mike Mullen served as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Obama administration, and is no weak-willed peacenik, but even he is now sounding the alarm about the danger posed by continuation of the Ukraine war. During a recent appearance on ABC’s “This Week,” Mullen referred to Vladimir Putin as a “cornered animal,” criticized the bellicose rhetoric coming out of the Biden administration and said it was time for the U.S. to work all the harder to compel both warring parties to come to the negotiating table. Jimmy and America’s Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss how bad the situation has gotten when even a dedicated military man like Mullen would call for cooler heads to prevail in a conflict with a rival of the United States like Russia.

What We Are Seeing Is Decades-Long Hyper-Financialisation Being Unwound On Fast-Forward At Gunpoint In The UK

 ... and/or a trigger for a multi-decade market hyper-crash on fast-forward; or both.

"Whatever it takes... until Friday"

By Michael Every:  I rose early today with a nagging suspicion I was going to have to focus on the BOE. How right I was! And how right everyone will be to pay attention too. What we are seeing in real time in the UK is a decades-long hyper-financialisation of the economy being partly unwound on fast-forward at gunpoint; and/or a trigger for a multi-decade market hyper-crash on fast-forward; or both. And more to boot if you extend your view wider.

The BOE had already been forced to step in again yesterday to add ‘Linkers’ (inflation-linked Gilts, which really should be doing better than non-inflation-linked ones given what inflation is doing) to the list of securities it is prepared to step in and buy. That was a dramatic intervention, following equally dramatic market movements, where 5-year Linker real yields had surged 50bp in one session – EM action in one of the world’s leading financial centres, in a G7 economy that issues its own currency. (Which is ironically part of the problem in this case.)