12 Nov 2022

Fighting For The Netherlands With Eva Vlaardingerbroek

"I would say close our borders and send people who don't belong here back."
-Eva Vlaardingerbroek

The Dutch government is flooding the country with migrants and attempting to expropriate farmers lands in order to house the flood of migrants that the government has created without a mandate, following Anal Schwab's agenda for the common people to own nothing, eat bugs and shut up and be happy about it.

Fake Elections Are The New Normal In The West

'If these scam elections are allowed to continue, many horrible things are going to be done to the American people.'

Dr. Joseph Sansone: The predicted red wave in the 2022 midterm elections turned out to be a mere splash. Media analysts will read the tea leaves and decipher what this means about GOP messaging and other apparently insightful lessons to be learned. This is all BS. This election was possibly more fraudulent than the 2020 election.

In 2020 Trump likely won by 10-12 million votes or more. I make that assertion based on the number of votes Trump received in his reelection campaign above the number of votes that Obama received, the number of votes Clinton was awarded, and the alleged attribution of voted to Biden. Biden allegedly received 81 million votes, Obama received 69 million, and Trump supposedly only 74 million. I have yet to find anyone to explain how Biden could possibly receive more votes than Obama while hiding in his basement. Biden probably received less votes than Hillary Clinton which was about 65 million. In Florida, Trump actually received 1.1 million more votes than DeSantis in his recent landslide victory. Nationwide, Trump received more votes than any sitting president in history.

Currently, the economy is dismal, inflation out of control, and 75% of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction. In addition to these salient facts, for the past two and half years, Democrat governors have been acting like total fascists. Yet, we are to believe that Democrats gained two governor’s seats and one senate seat? This defies all logic and reason and is total BS.

Mass Immigration And The Deliberate Destruction Of Our Nations

"The Great Replacement! ...Free accommodation and food for foreigners while our people are left out in the cold."

computing forever

Candid UN Report Blasts "Outrageous" US Sanctions Harming Syrian Civilians To Pillage Syrian Oil

UN Rapporteur: "I urge the immediate lifting of all unilateral sanctions..."

Authored by Dave DeCamp: A UN special rapporteur on Thursday called for the removal of US regime and other Western sanctions on Syria as they are having a devastating impact on the civilian population and preventing the country from rebuilding after 11 years of war.

Alena Douhan, a special rapporteur on unilateral coercive measures, made the comments after a 12-day visit to Syria. There she found that sanctions are harming civilians in many ways, including by causing a shortage of medicine and medical equipment.

"In the current dramatic and still-deteriorating humanitarian situation, as 12 million Syrians grapple with food insecurity, I urge the immediate lifting of all unilateral sanctions that severely harm human rights and prevent any efforts for early recovery, rebuilding, and reconstruction," Douhan told the UN Security Council.

US regime officials have been candid about the fact that the sanctions campaign against Syria is specifically designed to prevent the country from rebuilding.

Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink

Corbett: The UN is demanding $2 trillion a year to appease the weather gods; the nudge unit is busy nudging people toward carbon slavery; and LBRY loses its legal fight with the SEC.