28 Nov 2022

UK Column News

"There's still an undertone that we can expect more lockdowns in the future and that's tied in with some of the applied behavioural psychology."

Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson, David Scott and Mark Anderson.

Russian Servicemen Shot Themselves While Surrendering?!

RN: Recently, terrible footage of the execution of unarmed Russian prisoners of war near Makiivka in Ukraine spread around the world. The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, spoke at a regular briefing about the situation related to the execution of Russian servicemen by Ukrainian soldiers during their surrender.

German Government Has Proposed Law To Criminalize Truth

Austria, some other European countries and Canada do not permit any examination of the Holocaust. We are simply told that it is true, but it cant be examined, and that is the end of it. ...The Western world in the past rested on open debate and presentation of evidence to decide truth. Those days are behind us. Today truth is declared from above and ensconced in official narratives that cannot be challenged. Truth is now misinformation.”

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts:
Deutsche Welle, a German international broadcaster, financed by who they don’t say, reports that the German government is going to criminalize denying war crimes. https://www.dw.com/en/germany-criminalizes-denying-war-crimes-genocide/a-63834791?maca=en-newsletter_en_bulletin-2097-xml-newsletter&r=57279351345253404&lid=2353404&pm_ln=177220

Neither Deutsche Welle nor the German government reveals who it is who gets to determine the unchallengeable war crimes.

Cambridge Dean Goes Full Woke, Claims Jesus Could Have Been Transgender

'This just shows that the people who work in academia are either nuts or pretend to be nuts in order to keep their jobs.'

Authored by Steve Straub: A Cambridge University dean is claiming that Jesus could have been transgender based on an image found in a fourteenth century painting.

Via the Daily Mail:

Church worshippers cried ‘heresy’ at the Dean of Trinity College as they left a sermon claiming Jesus may have been transgender ‘in tears’.

But the view of a transgender Jesus is ‘legitimate’, according to Dr Michael Banner, the Dean who stepped in to defend the claim made at a Sermon last Sunday that Christ had a ‘trans body’.

Dr Michael Banner, the Dean of Trinity College, was backing up junior research fellow Joshua Heath, who displayed Renaissance and Medieval paintings of the crucifixion depicting a side wound that he likened to a vagina in front of the congregation.

We've Been Lied To In The West By Our Own Leaders!

"The Assistant US secretary of state at the time Victoria Nuland was orchestrating what would be the change of government in Ukraine, she was caught on tape, "Fuck Europe, here's how we're gonna do it, here's what the new government is gonna look like!" ...In other words, this is a long [Ukraine = Big Israel] project, the same Jews are engaged."

Russell Brand: Jeffrey Sachs appeared on live show on Rumble, where he extensively explains the conflict in Ukraine and what the west has done to make the situation worst pre 2022.

EU Angry At Washington Making A Fortune From Ukraine War

Politico sours on Ukraine"officials are furious with Joe Biden’s administration & now accuse the Americans of making a fortune from the war, while EU countries suffer."

By Tyler Durden: "Nine months after invading Ukraine, Vladimir Putin is beginning to fracture the West," Politico observes in a surprising admission which marks a stark reversal from prior mainstream media optimism and cheerleading of the White House's blank check approach to supporting Ukraine. "Top European officials are furious with Joe Biden’s administration and now accuse the Americans of making a fortune from the war, while EU countries suffer."

There's clearly growing frustration among European officials over Washington's refusal to push the Zelensky government to the negotiating table while an unprecedented billions worth of weaponry and defense aid pours in, risking unpredictable escalation between NATO and Russia. Meanwhile European populations will continue being the first to pay the price amid frigid winter temperatures and a simultaneous severe energy supply crisis even as some leaders still spout abstract ideals of "sacrifice".