29 Nov 2022

US Team Grilled By An Iranian Journalist... "It's Not Eye-Ran, Get It Right."

Sergey Lavrov - There Are No Nazis In Ukraine?!

RN: The American line was aimed at making Ukraine anti-Russia! Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov gave an interview about Ukraine for the film "Nazism under investigation". Theses: Ukrainian leaders succumbed to the corresponding actions and enveloping approaches of the United States. We remember that President Kuchma, when no one could have imagined that Ukraine would turn into anti-Russia, President Kuchma wrote a book, or an article, I don't remember anymore, called Ukraine is Europe. Well, probably everyone wants to have some kind of romantic goal, to join some kind of culture. But, even then, the subtext of this slogan was that there is Europe, and there is Russia. And, behind the screen of these beautiful words, the West nevertheless promoted the concept, either with us or with Russia.

Second Wave Feminism Conquered Universities With Ease

"It was always about women's grievance and men's guilt. ...Heterosexual men were always permanently outside the circle of concern and empathy."

Professor Janice Fiamengo

Breaking News: New York Times Comes To The Defense Of Julian Assange

Why did it take the lame stream media a decade to realize that to arrest journalists as spies for doing their jobs is a threat to all journalism?

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Through a joint letter published on Monday, The New York Times, The Guardian, Le Monde, Der Spiegel, and El Pais asked the United States to drop the Espionage Act charges against Julian Assange because it undermines press freedom.

Twelve years ago, those American and European media released excerpts of the revelations obtained in 250,000 documents, which were leaked to WikiLeaks by the then American soldier Chelsea Manning. Following that leak, Washington began proceedings to indict Assange under legislation designed to put World War I spies on trial.

“Publishing is not a crime,” said those outlets, emphasizing that Assange’s prosecution under the Espionage Act sets a dangerous precedent and undermines the U.S. First Amendment.

Pfizer CEO Blasted By UK Pharma Watchdog For "Disgracefully Misleading" Statements On COVID Vaccine

"There is simply no evidence that healthy schoolchildren in the UK are at significant risk from the SARS COV-2 virus and to imply that they are is disgracefully misleading,”

Authored by Thomas Lifson: You might think that an official rebuke of Pfizer’s CEO for misleading the public on the benefits of its COVID vaccine would be big news, especially given the fill court press by vaccine absolutists to compel people to receive the shots.

6 months ago, Dr. Bourla appeared with Klaus Schwab at the Wiorld Economic Forum (YouTube screengrab)

But even with a Google search, I have not yet seen any US media coverage of a starling rebuke delivered to Pfizer CEO Dr. Albert Bourla by a panel convened by the UK Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA). The criticism followed remarks he made in a December 2021 interview with the BBC. The following account is derived from an article in the Melbourne, Australia Herald-Sun by Frank Chung.