Spain Is Latest To Announce Billions In "Inflation-Relief" Stimmies

'And yes, injecting even more "inflation-fighting" stimmies means that food (and energy) prices will only go higher unless of course those stimmies are used to boost the supply of rare commodities, which they won't be.'

By Tyler Durden: First, it was that world-renowned incubator of policy idiocy, California, that decided that the best way to fight stimulus-driven inflation was with more stimulus, announcing this summer that it would send out up to $1,050 in "inflation relief" checks in the process of course making inflation even worse.

Then, it was Italy's turn to announce in August that it would also inject billions in fresh stimulus to - wait for it - fight inflation (the same inflation that was the result of billions in fresh stimulus during the covid pandemic and which has led to the worst global recession and bear market since Lehman).

Murder They Wrought

The Evidence Is Conclusive: Covid mRNA Gene Therapy 'Vaccination' Was Mass Murder

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: As readers know, I am concerned that the neoconservatives’ drive for US hegemony is the road to nuclear war.  But we also face demise from other directions.  In this column I share thoughts on the use of orchestrated pandemics to destroy economic independence and civil liberty and to reduce the world population, a declared goal of Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab.  In subsequent columns I will address other threats that go unattended.

Professor Michel Chossudovsky, emeritus professor at the University of Ottawa and Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization, has made an important point.  The injection of a dangerous substance into a large percentage of the world population was not a mistake, but an intentional act of murder.

US Government Wants To Start Nuclear War With Russia!!!

US Special Forces Insider: Years In The Planning By Obama 'The Baby Bomber' The US CIA Is Now Directing Sabotage Attacks Inside Russia!!!

Authored by Dave DeCamp: The CIA has been using a European NATO country’s intelligence services to conduct sabotage attacks inside Russia since the February invasion of Ukraine, investigative journalist Jack Murphy reported on Saturday, citing unnamed former US intelligence and military officials.

The report said that no US personnel are on the ground in Russia but that the operations are being directed by the CIA. The US is using an ally's intelligence services to add an extra layer of plausible deniability, and a former US special operations official told Murphy that layer was a major factor in President Biden signing off on the attacks.

Murphy said he didn’t name the NATO country whose intelligence services were being used in the report because "doing so might endanger the operational security of cells that are still operational inside of Russia."

U.S. Is TERRIFIED Of Losing Africa To China!

Jimmy Dore: With U.S. power around the world waning, certain African countries are beginning to exhibit an impertinent independence from the global hegemon, and chart a path that embraces other partners including China, India and Russia. In response, the U.S. is attempting a diplomatic full court press, most recently in a speech from Vice President Kamala Harris who uttered her usual platitudes, this time about how the United States only wants the very best for Africa.

Students Speak Out On Anti-White, Anti-Christian, Anti-American Culture At Florida University

'Deception, infiltration, and manipulation to win political power.'

Authored by Darlene McCormick Sanchez: Florida may be “where woke goes to die,” according to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has repeated the line in many speeches. But talk of its demise is greatly exaggerated, according to some university students in the state and an organization that tracks progressive policies on college campuses.

A journalism student at a Florida university, who asked to be identified only as Mia, said professors on her campus openly disparage Christians, America's founders, and whites. (Courtesy of Mia)

Six conservative students attending a major Florida university told The Epoch Times, on condition of anonymity, about their frustration with the anti-white, anti-Christian, and anti-American environment on campus and in classrooms that make them feel uncomfortable at best and threatened at worst.

Across the country, parents have pushed back against their community school boards for allowing radical race and gender theories in grades K-12. But experts told The Epoch Times that the same pushback hasn’t happened at the college level—the birthplace of Critical Race Theory (CRT).

Questions For The Year Ahead

'Tyranny is the only possible outcome. A divided peoplea Tower of Babel cannot hold government accountable.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: On Christmas eve in Paris the police were battling violent protesters from the Paris Kurdish community. Clashes of this sort have become common all over Europe. They are the product of “diversity” and “multiculturalism.”

Countries that constitute the West are no longer nations. They are conglomerates of populations that have nothing in common. There are no common mores, no common values, no common religion. There are no unifying forces.

It is the same in the United States. Black Americans have been taught to see themselves as a separate, victimized people. The federal government leaves the borders undefended, across which millions of immigrant-invaders pour every year. Washington adds to this inflow large numbers of refugees from its wars in the Middle East, North Africa, and now Ukraine.

The Western governments are committed to continue watering down the ethnic nationality of the white countries despite the fact that the cultural, social, and political structure of countries of European ancestry are being radically altered. Democracy, free speech, and accountable government are being replaced by tyranny.