6 Jan 2023

Jordan B Peterson STRIKES BACK Against Crazy "Wrong Think" Ruling

Redacted: Psychologist Jordan Peterson is suing the College of Psychologists of Ontario for requiring him to take social media training or else risk losing his license. What is his crime? Wrong think. Meaning he says the wrong words. We run down what this board is making him do, how he's fighting back and what are his so-called transgressions.

WHO: Anti-Vaccine Activism Is Deadlier Than Global Terrorism

The World Health Organization shared a video on Twitter promoting the claim that anti-experimental gene therapy 'vaccine' activism is deadlier than US global terrorism, US nuclear proliferation, and US gun violence.

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson: Yes, really.

The video quoted Baylor College of Medicine’s Dr. Peter Hotez, who stated, “We have to recognize that anti-vaccine activism, which I actually call anti-science aggression, has now become a major killing force globally.”

Hotez went on to assert that 200,000 Americans died from COVID because they refused to get the vaccine, a claim that isn’t backed up by any source.

“And now the anti-vaccine activism is expanding across the world, even into low and middle income countries,” added Hotez.

Once again without providing any source for his dubious claims, Hotez asserted that “anti-science now kills more people than things like gun violence, global terrorism, nuclear proliferation or cyber attacks.”

Braveheart? - Free Speech BANNED By Police In Scotland, Says Index On Censorship - They Took Our Freedom!

Police Scotland denied it had introduced a culture wherebyjokesor freedom of speech were curtailed.”

Authored by Chris Summers: Freedom of expression has been banned in Scotland because the police are increasingly recording non-crimes as “hate incidents,” the watchdog Index on Censorship has pointed out.

Guidance from the College of Policing, the professional body for officers in England and Wales, suggests officers should log a non-crime hate incident if it is “perceived to be” motivated by hatred or prejudice, even if the speaker insists it was a joke or an innocent remark.

The college updated its guidance in July 2022 after judges said, in 2020, they were having a “chilling effect on public debate.”

But The Times of London reported that in 2021 Police Scotland logged 928 incidents of “malice and ill will” where no criminal offence had been committed, twice the number in 2017.

Rickards: Time To Get Real About Ukraine

The great danger could arise if the U.S. foolishly continues escalation to the bitter end in order to stave off a Ukrainian defeat...

Authored by James Rickards: The war in Ukraine remains the most important story in the world today.

Dont believe the incessant U.S. government and media propaganda about Ukraine. Ukraine is not winning the war; they are losing badly.

But wait, hasn’t the news been talking up Ukrainian gains in recent months, while Russia is retreating and being badly beaten? That’s the mainstream, pro-Ukrainian narrative. Here’s the reality:

Most of the Ukrainian gains were against lightly defended positions that the Russians quickly abandoned because they were not worth fighting to defend.

Those Russian troops (really Donbas militias) were ordered to retreat to fortified Russian lines while Ukrainian forces rushing to fill the void were slaughtered by Russian artillery bombardments.