8 Jan 2023

Another US Basketball Player Clutches Chest And Collapses Mid-Game

Another day, yet another post mRNA gene therapy covid vaxxed athlete collapsing in the midst of a game for 'unknown reasons'.

By Tyler Durden: Just days after Buffalo Bills player Damar Hamlin had to be administered CPR on the playing field after he collapsed following a play against the Cincinnati Bengals, another athlete has collapsed under what appears to be mysterious circumstances.

Old Dominion basketball player Imo Essien "had to be tended to by training staff from both ODU and Georgia Southern", according to WAVY, after collapsing during the middle of a game this past weekend. 

He "did not appear to lose consciousness", according to the report, and was eventually helped to walk off the court under his own power. "Members of the Old Dominion men’s basketball team watched in shock," WAVY wrote.

"Many held back tears," one account wrote.

The Covid mRNA “Vaccine” Is An Intentional Effort At World Genocide

Never before have there been massive excess deaths following vaccination.

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Never before have there been children, young adults, athletes in their prime, entertainers, dropping dead “cause unknown” following vaccination.

Of course, the cause is known.  The leading doctors and medical scientists of our time–which excludes health agency bureaucrats, such as Fauci, who serve as marketing agents for Big Pharma and corrupt, politicized state medical boards and HMOs–have explained why and how the mRNA “vaccines,” which are not vaccines, kill, destroy the immune system, and cause health injuries.  What is not known is why some die immediately after receiving the deadly substance, others a month later, and others remain, so far, alive.  Some researchers think the content of the “vaccines” differed by lot, and some think some of the jabs were placebos for the purpose of producing an uninjured cadre to tout the safety of the jabs.  

Professor Michel Chossudovsky has collected here — https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-covid-killer-vaccine-people-are-dying-all-over-the-world-its-a-criminal-undertaking/5800358 — a number of videos documenting the widespread sufferings and deaths of the vaccinated.  It is not the unvaccinated who are “mysteriously” dropping dead all over the world.  It is the vaccinated.

Russian Retaliation Operation - One Blow Destroyed 600 Ukrainian Soldiers

RN: In response to the criminal strike of the Kyiv regime in the first minutes of January 2023 at the point of temporary deployment of Russian military personnel in the settlement of Makeevka in the Donetsk People's Republic, the command of the united group of Russian troops carried out a retaliation operation. The official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense reported on the retaliation operation organized by Russia. Over the past 24 hours, Russian intelligence facilities have uncovered and reliably confirmed through several independent channels the points of temporary deployment of military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the city of Kramatorsk. As a result of a massive missile attack on these points of temporary deployment of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Russia destroyed more than 600 Ukrainian soldiers.

If The Buffalo Bills Want To Know If Any Of Their Other Players Are Vaccine Injured, It’s Easy To Find Out

I just wrote this article to point out that we have the solution. What we lack is the courage to do the right thing.

There is a company, HeartCare Corp, that makes a machine that looks like an EKG, but can detect a wide variety of heart damage, including myocarditis. They can assess their team in a day.

By Steve Kirsch: Just like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz could always return to Kansas at any time, the same is true of the Buffalo Bills… if they want to assess whether their players have a heart injury or not, all they have to do is give Heart Care Corp. a call and arrange for a visit to their team.

Is Statism Just "Human Nature"?

Larken Rose: A lot of people think that authoritarianism is just biologically built into people--that it's just "human nature," and therefore unavoidable. Those people are completely incorrect. This video explains why.

3 Predictions For 2023

Ex-Jew Nathanael: “Never let the future disturb you,” is the saying of the day.