21 Jan 2023


A former US Marine Corps intelligence officer has not only warned that Russia is escalating its special military operation in Ukraine, but that this will result in a slaughter, a massacre for Ukraine. His statement comes as a lot of speculation is circulating following the appointment of Valery Gerasimov as commander of the overall Ukraine campaign, with the pre-eminent idea being that there was a “reshuffle”.

Written by Ahmed Adel: Russia’s Defence Ministry announced on January 11 a realignment of the commanders leading the war in Ukraine, with General Valery Gerasimov, chief of the Russian General Staff, becoming the overall commander of the campaign. The former commander, Sergey Surovikin, is now one of his three deputies.

Thomas Sowell: Vision Of The Woke

LibertyPen: In 1995, Thomas Sowell sat down with Ben Wattenberg to discuss his new book, “The Vision of the Anointed.” Today, we see the notions discussed surface as the vision of the woke.

Some Actual Journalism: "What About The Sudden Deaths?": Pfizer CEO Confronted At Davos Over COVID-19 Vaccine

'What about the sudden deaths?'

By Tyler Durden: While attention is now firmly shifting towards the scandalous Covid-19 vaccine rollout (and top-down censorship campaign), Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla has been largely insulated from criticism by legacy media outlets. Until now.

Canadian outlet Rebel News caught up with Bourla this week on the streets of Davos, where they peppered him with a list of uncomfortable questions.

As Rebel CEO Ezra Lavant writes:

You know, there are hundreds of “accredited” journalists here at the World Economic Forum — the biggest names in news, from CNN to the New York Times. But you have to understand: they’re all here as WEF members, not to hold the WEF to account. They’re on Pfizer’s team. They would never ask Pfizer a tough question.

I really don’t think their CEO knew what hit him today.

UK Column News

New Zealand - The horse put out to pasture

Mike Robinson, Patrick Henningsen and Vanessa Beeley

Warmongering Cock Chopped US Neo Con Artists Have Resurrected The Threat Of Global Nuclear Armageddon

'Here we are a superpower made dangerous to ourselves and to the entire world by the total absence of any awareness and any leadership whatsoever.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: As a participant in the 20th century Cold War, I can tell you that the Cuban Missile Crisis had the effect of convincing the leaders of the US and the USSR that trust had to be created between the two nuclear superpowers in order resolve differences and prevent a reoccurrence of tensions at the level of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

President John F. Kennedy and Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev worked together independently of their military/security bureaucracies to resolve the issue. Both paid a price.  President Kennedy was murdered by the CIA and Joint Chiefs of Staff who were determined not to lose the Soviet enemy that justified their power and budgets.  Khrushchev was removed from power by Communist Party hardliners suspicious of accommodation to the capitalist enemy.

WEF Declares ‘Humans Are A Plague’ And ‘AI Is The Cure’

The People's Voice: Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab’s lead advisor at the Word Economic Forum, has announced that human beings are no better than “viruses or bananas” and the WEF has now reached the point where they can “hack humanity.”

According to Harari, the idea that humans have free will is over, and for those who oppose, there will be no escaping what Harari refers to as the “Secret Police.”