Prepare To Be Bled Dry By A Decade Of Stagflation

Our reliance on the endless expansion of credit, leverage and credit-asset bubbles will have its own high cost.

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith: The Great Moderation of low inflation and soaring assets has ended. Welcome to the death by a thousand cuts of stagflation. It was all so easy in the good old days of the past 25 years: just keep pushing interest rates lower to reduce the cost of borrowing and juice credit expansion ((financialization) and offshore industrial production to low-cost nations with few environmental standards and beggar-thy-neighbor currency policies (globalization).

Both financialization and globalization are deflationary forces, as they reduce costs. They are also deflationary to the wages of bottom 90%, as wages are pushed down by cheap global labor and stripmined by financialization, which channels the vast majority of the economy's gains into the top tier of the workforce and those who own the assets bubbling up in financialization's inevitable offspring, credit-asset bubbles.

To keep the party going, central banks and governments pushed both forces into global dominance: hyper-financialization and hyper-globalization.

The True Cost Of Ignoring Nuclear Energy In The UK

  • The UK's neglect of its nuclear industry has led to challenges in meeting energy demands during winter and a heightened risk of blackouts. 

  • The government's lack of support for the nuclear sector has resulted in a decline in nuclear power as a source of energy in the UK. 

  • Experts warn of the consequences of ignoring the nuclear industry and call for a revival of the sector, with a focus on building a pipeline of projects to secure energy supply and meet the country's energy demands.

Via OP: The price of continued stalling in the UK’s nuclear ambitions was exposed last week, when the National Grid paid households to turn off their tumble dryers, television sets and electric ovens as it scrambled to shore up energy supplies to ease the threat of blackouts amid frosty winter weather.

“They Have NO Idea What’s Coming” - Putin Issues WARNING To NATO, The Jew Zelensky And His Anti-Christian Regime

The Jew Zelensky has already used nearly all the Christian men, young and old, in Ukraine as cannon fodder...

I will not send my British sons to fight for the Jews against Christian Russia.

Redacted: NATO and Western Jewish Lobby nobbled countries do not want peace in Ukraine. In fact the Jewish Lobby is actively and openly talking about Christian soldiers and boots on the ground. Putin just issued his strongest warning yet to the West about further involvement in Ukraine. And new video shows Ukrainian soldiers admitting the truth about the war.