19 Feb 2023

Depopulation Catastrophe - Debating Demographic Decline

The anti-human agenda and propaganda has been so effective that, "Birth rates are falling across the developed world..."

Authored by the Editors of Law & Liberty: The following is an overview of Law & Liberty's January forum on the question of demographic decline. 

Birth rates are falling across the developed world, and China recently joined the list of countries with a declining population.

These trends have many governments worrying about shrinking workforces and unsustainable elderly entitlements. In Law & Liberty’s January forum, Lyman Stone argues that those concerns are relatively trivial, compared to the loneliness, infertility, suicide, and addiction that are ravaging American society today.

Stone sees strong connections between these maladies and the failure of so many people to marry and have children.

Family life can be a source of tremendous joy and meaning, but more and more Americans are missing out on this, owing to liberalized divorce, high rates of incarceration, a badly designed tax and benefit structure, and other cultural factors.

In America Democracy Is A Veil Behind Which The Oligarchy Rules

'Government accountable to the people is impossible unless all money is taken out of politics.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Can Americans govern themselves as the Founding Fathers intended?  The clear answer is no, not under the arrangements that exist today.  Self-rule pretends to exist, because people vote.  People might get the candidates for whom they voted, although we know that that was not the case in the past two national elections.  It is easy for big city machines to steal the vote as was proved in Biden’s “election” and the last Arizona “election” for governor.

Even if the elections are fair and the candidates who win are declared winners, it doesn’t mean that the people are represented.  The reason is that the representative, senator, governor, and president elected knows that his success depended on large campaign contributors, such as pharmaceutical companies, the military-security complex, energy, mining, and timber corporations, agribusiness, real estate developers, etc.  Unless a candidate is a billionaire, it is impossible for him to run unless he has large contributors intent on having their interests served.

White & Asian Americans No Longer Have Equal Protection Of The Law

“Criminal justice was originally intended to protect society from the lawbreaker. By the time the Warren Court had finished with it, its chief function was to protect the lawbreaker from society. Needless to say, the Court’s exaggerated magnification of criminal rights worked directly to the advantage of minorities that shelter criminal castes within their ranks.”

By Peter Bradley: Wilmot Robertson wrote these words over 50 years ago in The Dispossessed Majority. They still ring true today. Black crime — already high — has increased since de-policing and the 2014 “Ferguson Effect.” In 2022, blacks accounted for at least 60.4 percent of all murders in the US despite being only 13 percent of the population. Combined with the growing anti-white nature of all institutions in the United States, this is having an impact on race and criminal justice. Blacks are increasingly above the law while whites and other non-blacks are paying the price.

The most egregious example of this failure of our criminal justice system involves blacks attacking whites — often the elderly or children — and receiving little or no punishment. The following are just some of the cases from the past few years:

Flashback: Rick Rozoff Warns Ukraine War Is Inevitable (2015)


CORBETT: Rick Rozoff of Stop Nato joins us to go over the context of the US/NATO/EU/IMF takeover of Ukraine, why it is taking place, and where it is ultimately leading. Rozoff warns that war is not a potential outcome but is in fact already taking place, and full-scale US/NATO intervention is virtually unstoppable at this point.

'The Most Rebellious Thing Women Can Do Is Rebuild The Family, Get Married, Educate Your children'

Belinda Brown: I discuss how feminists, succumbing to a patriarchal ideology, nearly destroyed the family and what can be done to rebuild it.

The Ever Widening War And Ever Widening Censorship

'The unwillingness of the Kremlin to use sufficient force to quickly end the war has resulted in an ever-expanding conflict.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The longer the Kremlin sits on its butt, the more the conflict widens.  It seems that what Moscow really wants is nuclear war with the US and NATO.

The Kremlin’s inaction guarantees that if there ever is a Russian offensive, Ukraine will be much better equipped to defend against it.  

Ukrainian troops finish crash course at US base in Germany on US ‘tank killers’ https://www.rt.com/news/571674-ukraine-troops-bradley-training/ 

The Western media, a collection of the most disreputable and despicable beings on the planet, continues to cover up the extreme danger of the mRNA vaccine and US responsibility for the act of war against Russia committed by Biden blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines.

Germany Leads Western Nations inMassiveExcess Death Spike Since Covid Jab Rollout