27 Feb 2023

Biden In 1997: NATO Expansion Would Cause 'Hostile' Russian Reaction

RT: Speaking at the Atlantic Council back in 1997, then-Senator Joseph Biden stated that NATO expansion was the only thing that could really 'tip the balance' and cause a 'vigorous and hostile' response from Russia. The video went viral in recent days, causing strong reactions among users. Seems like the understanding was already obvious 25 years ago.

Unmasking Prejudice: Fascist Professor Denounces Maskless People As "Racist, Ableist, And Classist"

'Learn your place, sit down, shut up, and listen to us. Your white saviorism is killing us. Whiteness is a problem. oof.'

Authored by Jonathan Turley,: George Washington University (where I teach) this week became one of the last major universities to drop its mask mandate.

Many students had long declined to follow the mandate, but the decision was met with relief by many at the school.

Yet, some are livid about the lifting of such mandates in various schools.

One is a professor at the University of British Columbia who has participated in roundtable discussions as an expert with Canadian Prime Minister Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.  Dr. Amy Tan is a Clinical Associate Professor in Palliative Care and Family Practice at UBC’s Faculty of Medicine and an Adjunct Professor at the University of Calgary.

5 Reasons Why Much Of The Global South Isn't Automatically Supporting The West In Ukraine

Sentiments of this nature have caused some ire, surprise, and even anger in the West. It is difficult for them to believe that two-thirds of the worlds population is not siding with the West...

Authored by Krishen Mehta: In October 2022, about eight months after the war in Ukraine started, the University of Cambridge in the UK harmonized surveys conducted in 137 countries about their attitudes towards the West and towards Russia and China.

The findings in the study, while not free of a margin of error, are robust enough to take seriously.

These are:

  • For the 6.3 billion people who live outside of the West, 66 percent feel positively towards Russia and 70 percent feel positively towards China, and,

  • Among the 66 percent who feel positively about Russia the breakdown is 75 percent in South Asia, 68 percent in Francophone Africa, and 62 percent in Southeast Asia.

  • Public opinion of Russia remains positive in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, and Vietnam.

People Are Awakening - A Conversation With Alex Krainer

"Their formula for controlling and manipulating the public are failing."

Computing Forever

Has Russia Given Up on Resisting Domination by the West?

Is the only question that remains how long before Russia, China, and Iran come together and dispose of us, thanks to the stupid self-centred warmongering Jews?

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Kremlin has rushed to commit to China’s plan for peaceful settlement of the Ukraine conflict.  It seems that the Kremlin wants peace so much that Putin’s goal of clearing Ukraine of Nazis and demilitarizing Ukraine is now subject to negotiation.  https://tass.com/russias-foreign-policy/1581405 

The West sees this development as a sign that China does not support Russia’s version of the conflict, and it supports Washington’s impression that Putin is a poseur with no fight in him. Washington’s take on this is that Putin fearing defeat is desperate for a settlement.  Washington will respond to this sign of weakness with more provocations.

But is this a correct reading?  Or is the explanation that prior to announcing a Russian/Chinese mutual defense treaty, Russia and China have arranged to demonstrate, once again, the West’s refusal of an offer of a peace deal as a justification for such a formidable military alliance as Russia and China?

Laurence Fox And George Galloway: The Importance Of Free Speech

Reclaim The Media: In this thought-provoking interview, Laurence Fox and George Galloway discuss the importance of free speech in today's society. They delve into the idea that words begin to lose their meaning if they cannot be expressed freely, and how this impacts our ability to have open and honest conversations about important topics. Fox and Galloway also explore the current state of free speech in the UK and beyond, and share their thoughts on how we can protect this fundamental right.

Western Airport Fascists Still Molesting At Warp Speed

Despite squeezing millions of butts, balls, cocks & boobs, TSA has never caught a real terrorist. It's the same the world over since this guilty until proven innocent fascism began thanks to the rabbi's Mossad $2.3 trillion twin towers insurance job.

Authored by Jim Bovard: I traveled to Hartford, Connecticut last week for a conference. It was the first time since the start of the pandemic that I had the pleasure of being pawed by TSA agents. Alas, since 2020, neither I nor the Transportation Security Administration have become corrigible.

Flying out of Washington National Airport on Thursday, I saw a special entry for the CLEAR program that enables people who pay $189 a year to skip TSA lines. I lambasted this program here back in December. Travelers stand in photo kiosks that compare their face with a federal database of photos from passport applications, drivers’ licenses, and other sources. TSA promises that its new airport regime will respect Americans’ privacy. Fat chance: TSA previously promised no traveler would be delayed more than 10 minutes at TSA checkpoints.