12 Mar 2023

Russia Destroys NATO Control Bunker In Ukraine Wiping Out The American Shadow Command

PCR: I have warned for a long time that Putin’s go slow no war is spinning out of control.  If this Pravda news report is true, the first American military officers have been killed.  Putin’s  unwillingness to use sufficient force to quickly end a dangerous, escalating conflict — or the Russian military’s inability to provide the necessary force — is inexplicable.

WF: missile strike of the Russian Armed Forces destroyed shadow officers of NATO in bunker control centers

The Russian military launched a missile strike on Ukrainian infrastructure with a large range of missiles and UAVs, destroying the secret NATO headquarters in Ukraine, reports WarFiles.

Feminist Rekked By Truth About International Women's Day

Peter Lloyd AKA The Suffragent: Peter drops truth bombs about the annual pity party.

UK Disinformation Unit Monitored Headmaster Who Questioned COVID-19 Vaccines For Children

The real extremists are the officials in shadowy parts of the British state whove been so captured by woke ideology theyve convinced themselves that a schoolteacher who has concerns about forcing children to wear masks in lessons is a threat to national security,”

Authored by Owen Evans: A headmaster who questioned the effects of lockdown and masking on children, as well as the mRNA vaccine rollout, was reported to the UK’s terror watchdog and had his social media posts monitored by government disinformation units.

In January, Westminster confirmed that it had monitored lockdown critics including Conservative MPs and journalists on social media platforms via its disinformation units, after documents were obtained by the civil liberties group Big Brother Watch.

Headmaster Mike Fairclough, who has 20 years’ experience in running the state-funded West Rise Junior School for 7- to 11-year-olds in Eastbourne on the south coast, told The Epoch Times that he also had been monitored.

The 10 Rules Of Propaganda

...we are aware that by posting the 10 Rules of Propaganda, we will be accused of distributing propaganda... Russian propaganda...

Authored by Brian Maher: Lord Arthur Ponsonby was a British diplomat and politician, dates 1871–1946.

This keen and cagey fellow pinpointed 10 rules of propaganda.

They are these:

1. We don’t want war, we are only defending ourselves.

2. The other guy is solely responsible for this war.

3. Our adversary’s leader is evil and looks evil.

4. We are defending a noble purpose, not special interest.

5. The enemy is purposefully causing atrocities; we only commit mistakes.

The One Health Agenda With James Corbett

"The gene therapy vaccination of animals used to turn the people who eat the meat into genetically modified organisms aka GMOs!"

via CHD.TV: James Corbett and Meryl Nass, M.D. return to “Good Morning CHD” to discuss the latest updates on the WHO’s IHR proposed amendments + Zero Draft Pandemic treaty, highlighting the latest meetings that took place from February 20 - 24, and laying particular emphasis on the proposed “One Health Approach” — a broad new landscape of interconnected and interdependent relationships with humans, animals and the environment. Touted as an ‘non-colonial’ solution to the current ‘anthropocentric’ view on the ecosystem, the proposed solutions are anything but holistic. New fast tracked mRNA products for livestock raise concerns of equity for animal rights, considering no adverse events reporting system structure for animals currently exists. As the reality of global vaccine passports draws nearer, is the “One Health Approach” really a "One Hell" power grab for all living beings and plants on earth, and will world domination of public health will now be sold to the public under the guise of “anti-colonialism”?

China Blasts Thieving Zio-Shill America's "Illegal" Occupation Of Syria In Wake Of Failed House Vote

'This is all a remnant part of Washington's regime change playbook.'

By Tyler Durden: China has weighed in on the Pentagon's continued occupation of Syria in the wake of Wednesday's Republican-sponsored War Powers Resolution in the House, which according to Congressman Matt Gaetz was aimed specifically at forcing President Biden to withdraw all American troops from Syria.

In a Friday press briefing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning was asked for a response to the vote. She demanded that the US "immediately end the troops’ illegal occupation and plundering" and to halt the sanctions regimen which is crushing the Syrian economy and thus increasing the misery of common people.

"Since the US began its illegal interference in the Syrian crisis, its military operations in Syria have taken away a large number of innocent civilian lives and caused grave humanitarian disasters," she said.