29 Mar 2023

Woman Murdered Children: This Hit Too Close To Home +

"The lame-stream media was utterly silent. "We don't really know, who is that?" I wonder why they were doing that, they were doing that because it's not convenient for them, because HER identity as a FEMALE TRANSGENDER person is not advantageous for their mission for their movement".

The Comments Section with Brett Cooper

Putin Cancels Africa's Debts Worth Over US$20 Billion

The New Africa Channel: Putin cancels Africa's debts worth over US$20 billion. Russia has become a key ally to many African countries, and Putin has made significant strides in strengthening the relationship between the two regions. At the "Russia-Africa in a multipolar world" conference, Putin reiterated Russia's commitment to prioritizing cooperation with African nations. The cancellation of African debts is just one example of the bold steps Russia has taken to build a more productive and mutually beneficial relationship with the continent over the years.

United Nations Just PROVED They're A Fraud With This BS Report

"We came, we saw, he died."

Redacted: The United Nations Human Rights Counsel says that there are human rights violations happening in Libya, according to a new report. The report describes a "generalized practice" of arbitrary detention, murder, torture, rape, slavery and forced disappearance in the country since 2016. Who is doing this? The report points the finger at the European Union and its member states for "directly or indirectly, [providing] monetary and technical support and equipment, such as boats, to the Libyan Coast Guard and the Directorate for Combating Illegal Migration that was used in the context of interception and detention of migrants." The report does not mention the Obama administration's role in destabilizing Libya and backing the overthrow of Moammar Gaddafi. Recall that when Hillary Clinton was asked about this, she said, "We came, we saw, he died."

Incredible Scenes + Bizarre Beyond Belief

"A taste of the kind of busy body control freaks who will be empowered if we allow the insanity of NET ZERO to accelerate."

Anything Goes

Feminism Against Progress, Part 2

'Harrington’s fighting talk about wresting the (feminist) movement from the “sterilised steel claws of the Fourth Industrial Revolution” is a joy to read, but we have yet to forge a force capable of defeating the transnational Woke Industrial Complex.'

By MRA-UK: This is the second part of a review of Feminism Against Progress by Mary Harrington. Part 1 is here and that constitutes a more conventional review. This second part is a more discursive ramble around issues that arose in my mind in reading the book.


The Law in History

Harrington notes, correctly, that the law of coverture and its precursors in medieval law were not all to women’s disadvantage, as ill-informed feminists might believe, illustrating this via its shielding of women from “legal and economic exigencies”. It worked both ways. Property ownership under coverture was not quite the patriarchal monopoly that is sometimes claimed, and legal non-existence could prove very useful to women who decided to exploit it (not least the avoidance of imprisonment), see my essay Coverture.

Climate Hysteria And Woke Gobbledegook Are Becoming Inseparable

...increasingly bizarre demands that surround the promotion of the collectivist Net Zero political project.

Authored by Chris Morrison: One of Britain’s leading climate ‘experts’, Professor Kevin Anderson, has provided a valuable insight into the increasingly bizarre demands that surround the promotion of the collectivist Net Zero political project.

Writing in the Conversation, he argues for Net Zero within 12 years, complete with a refit of U.K. housing stock, a withdrawal of all combustion engine cars in favour of expanded public transport, electrification of industry, the roll out of ‘zero-carbon’ energy, and the banning of all fossil fuel production. To achieve his aims, Anderson suggests mobilisation on the scale of the post-war European reconstruction Marshall Plan. Others might suggest his crackpot schemes will leave the country facing a similar scale of destruction, ruin and poverty to that caused by the Luftwaffe.