11 Apr 2023

US Media Complicit In Mass Murders: Covid Vax And Fentanyl

Just as the US media helped Big Pharma and its marketing agents at NIH, CDC, and FDA murder and destroy the health of millions of people by lying about the safety and effectiveness of the mRNAvaccine,” the US media is responsible for the widespread outbreak of fentanyl deaths of young Americans.

Media Complicit in Mass Murders: On March 29, the mornings story on Fox News is the escalation in the number of Americans dying from fentanyl.

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The danger of the drug is unknown to Americans, because its role in George Floyd’s death was covered up by media whose agenda was to get a white cop.  Getting officer Chauvin was the agenda, not telling the truth about the cause of Floyds’s death, writes Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy, former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, and an author of many books.

The media accused Chauvin and pronounced him guilty prior to his trial, formerly grounds for dismissal of all charges against the accused, of suffocating Floyd by keeping his knee on Floyd’s neck while Floyd complained that he couldn’t breathe.

COVID Deaths Up 39% After Vaccines Rolled Out In Ontario Canada

Weren't the vaccines supposed to REDUCE deaths from COVID? Oddly, there was no press coverage on this. I wanted to make sure you knew about it. Tell your friends.
Executive summary
Both hospitalization and deaths from COVID were up dramatically.
You can see it yourself (see the red box below):
Deaths went from 5,485 in 2021 to 7,625 in 2022.

The Curse Of Rousseau

'Patterns of profound irresponsibility are being deeply ingrained, thus institutionalizing the self-inflicted ongoing societal and cultural collapse.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The UK Telegraph on March 31, 2023, reported “Joe Biden’s America is splitting at the seams.”  The article reported results of a new survey of Americans undertaken by the National Opinion Research Center and the Wall Street Journal.  The survey finds startling declines in Americans faith in America, their communities, religion, and a sharp drop in patriotism.  Americans who prioritize patriotism fell from 61% to 38%.  Community involvement collapsed to 27%. Religion dropped from 48% to 39%, and those to whom starting a family is important fell from 43%to 30%.

If you would like insight as to why this collapse in traditional values, read Claes G. Ryn’s new book, The Failure of American Conservatism.  In brief, Ryn attributes conservatism’s failure to preoccupation with politics and neglect of corrosive  ideas that undermined religion, the family, parental authority, truth, and replaced a united people with a tower of babel. The other big conservative issue was saving the world from communism.  Dystopian novels such as George Orwell’s 1984 were associated with the Soviet Union.  Conservatives focused on outside national security threats instead of on threats from within from leftwing ideas increasingly anti-Western, anti-Christian, and anti-white.  A false history of slavery was created and used to create black victimhood.

Africans Fed Up With Biased Western Lame-Stream Media - Aim To Set Up New African Journalistic Agency

Rwanda's President Wants to Become a Journalist after Leaving Office To Counter Biased Western Lame-Stream Media

2nacheki News: Rwanda's President, Paul Kagame, in a recent presser announced that he will pressure a career in journalism after he retires from politics. President Kagame's reign is drawing to a close, as he has indicated his desire to step down and pass on the mantle of leadership to another individual.

Jewish Green Shirts Murdered Another Palestinian Youth, Injure Two More Young Men

Palestinian teen Mohammad Fayez Balhan was murdered Monday by Jewish Green Shirts as they raided one of their mega concentration camps for indiogenous Christian and Muslim Gentiles. The Jews' anti-Gentile apartheid regime Israel has murdered nearly 100 indigenous Christian and Muslim Palestinian so far this year; Palestinians freedom fighters have killed 16 Jewish colonialist land thieves.

Reposted from IMEMC: On Monday morning, many Israeli army vehicles invaded the Aqabat Jaber refugee camp in Jericho, in the northeastern part of the occupied West Bank, leading to protests, before the soldiers fatally shot a Palestinian youth, injured two young men, and abducted five.

Media sources said a large military force surrounded and isolated the refugee camp before undercover soldiers invaded it and encircled a home.

The Performance Of A Lifetime

The media seems unwilling to focus on the actual reasons many women are angry about this...

Authored by Jean Hatchet: Dylan Mulvaney’s mimicry of women is absurd...

If a man seeks to humiliate a woman he encounters, nothing is easier than reducing her appearance to a mere caricature. Men do this directly in front of the woman they are targeting: lifting their voice to a squeak, exaggerating hand gestures, pushing out pretend breasts, wiggling their bum, pouting and fiddling with their hair. Most of these men confine the taunt to the woman in front of them, and the woman often feels and displays a righteous rage. However, when it comes to Dylan Mulvaney, the Tik Tok user who has become famous for his grotesque parody of women, women are not supposed to react critically. They are seen as cruel or “transphobic” if they express annoyance at being so grossly insulted. 

In March 2022 Dylan Mulvaney saw a way to take his barely-concealed disdain for women up a level, with predictable success. After his career as a musical actor had stalled due to the Covid pandemic, with people finding solace daily on Tik Tok, wily Dylan invented a new role that guaranteed his future wealth and success. He announced he was embarking on a journey of “being a girl” and began a series of videos documenting this ludicrous notion.

The World Is Changing Before Our Eyes...

Time to trash Triffin - The dollar-based credit bubble is imploding, and emerging economies are seeking protection by accepting trade settlement in other currencies. The US policy of threatening regime change, currency destabilisation, or other means of ensuring nations remain in its sphere of influence are now failing.

Authored by Alasdair Macleod: Mainstream economists in the West insist the dollar is irreplaceable, and that as a trade settlement medium China’s yuan is strictly limited. Referring to Triffin’s dilemma, China would have to run deficits to provide the necessary currency liquidity. But they ignore the role of bank credit, which can be expanded at will to meet trade settlement demand.

Furthermore, China’s exchanges offer hedging facilities into physical gold, attracting Middle Eastern energy exporters away from petrodollars, until the new trade settlement currency planned by Sergey Glazyev comes into existence.