Rape Trial Juries And Feminism's Erosion of Justice

'As barrister Matthew Scott has emphasised, scrapping juries in rape trials may well be the precursor to scrapping juries altogether – they are expensive, after all.'

By William Collins: Feminists have an implacable determination to put more men in prison for rape. That objective is now being progressed by the SNP – well known for their upholding of strict personal standards.

In May 2021 my article The Myth About Rape Myths addressed the growing feminist determination to achieve more rape convictions by promoting the idea that jurors are unsuitable to make judgments on these sex offence cases. Mere lay persons, the hoi polloi, the riff-raff, the deplorables (that’s us) have not the wisdom to decide upon such matters. Any similarity to the reaction of the establishment to the Chartists’ petitions of the early nineteenth century is entirely apposite.

But what has that got to do with our recently ousted Lord Chancellor? I’ll come to that.

The US Dollar Is Finished

Are You Ready for High Inflation and Collapsing Living Standards?

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: US power since World War II has been based on its financial dominance stemming from the dollar being the reserve currency held by central banks in place of gold.  As the dollar was the currency used to settle international trade accounts, every country needed dollars.  That ensured a large demand for dollars to absorb the supply of dollars from the growing US budget and trade deficits.  In effect, the dollar as world reserve currency allowed the US to pay its bills by printing money.  

In recent years Washington’s abuse of US financial power, such as sanctions on Russia and other countries and the theft of Russian central bank reserves, has taught the world that Washington uses the dollar-based system for coercive purposes to deny other countries independent, foreign, economic, and trade policies.  Consequently, as Pepe Escobar explains, there has been a rapid move away from the use of the dollar as reserve currency.  In other words, the demand for dollars is shrinking. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2023/04/no_author/de-dollarization-kicks-into-high-gear/

Will There Ever Be Accountability For Mass Murder By Covid “Vaccine”?

ABC Refuses to Air RFK Jr. Comments About killer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Here we have more conclusive proof of Tucker Carlson’s reporting that ABC, NBC, CNN and the rest of the whore media are loyal to their profits and not to truth.  The presstitutes are paid millions of dollars in Big Pharma advertising for the purpose of suppressing all truth about Covid and the alleged vaccines.  No independent medical scientist that I know of supports a word of the official narrative.  All who are not employed by Big Pharma,  have no grants from Big Pharma, and have no consultancies with Big Pharma understand that the mRNA “vaccines” are more deadly than the Covid virus.

The whore media keeps telling us that Covid killed millions of Americans and we must all have shots and endless boosters to stay alive.  In effect, the media whores are killing people for profit.

Almost the only people who died from Covid were the elderly with prior morbidities who were denied treatment until it was too late, and then the corporate medicine hospitals killed them with ventilators.  Corporate medicine, totally controlled by Big Pharma, prevented their doctors from saving lives with known cures such as Ivermectin and HCQ.  The media whores wrote that Ivermectin was horse medicine and that HCQ was unapproved by the FDA.

"Falsification Of History": Egypt Goes Ballistic On Netflix Over Cleopatra's Race - Jada Tries To Cuck Greek History

Cleopatra had "white skin and Hellenistic characteristics." Deal with it G I Jane.

By Tyler Durden: According to Egypt's antiquities ministry, an upcoming four-part drama-documentary produced by Netflix has made a serious error regarding the race of one of Egypt's pharaohs. It appears that 'woke capital' is distorting history.

"Queen Cleopatra," released May 10, has Black actor Adele James featured as the legendary leader. The move by Jada Pinkett Smith, the producer and narrator of the series, has infuriated Mostafa Waziri, head of the Supreme Antiquities Council, who said: portraying Cleopatra as Black is "a falsification of Egyptian history."

Waziri said nothing was racist about his comments, which were entirely motivated by "defending the history of Queen Cleopatra, an important part of the history of Egypt in antiquity."

Egyptian experts insist Cleopatra had "white skin and Hellenistic characteristics." But don't tell 'woke Netflix' this...

Cannabidiol And Covid

Expensive Big Pharma killer mRNA gene therapy vaccines now obsolete. Inexpensive super safe cannabis CBD much more effective at stopping covid!

Dr. John Campbell: Cannabidiol Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Promotes the Host Innate Immune Response