14 May 2023

Are Western Peoples Capable Of Protecting Their Liberty?

'In case anyone hasn’t yet caught on, “fact checkersare self-declared websites paid to suppress truth and to uphold Official Narratives. ...Insouciance has a cost, and so does the toleration of Official Narratives.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Why did the FBI engage in illegal surveillance of those opposed to mandated Covid vaccination?  How is it that a federal police investigatory agency came to view behavior protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution as a possible felony?

This should enrage Americans. They should be in the streets in the tens of millions demanding the abolishment of the FBI–the greatest threat to American Freedom in the history of our country.  Instead, the indoctrinated population thinks Russia, China, and Iran are the enemies.

Instead of defending their liberty, Americans tolerate tyranny.  They are told that tyranny protects them from terrorists, misinformation, and white supremacists.  

Here is the report on the FBI’s surveillance of online sites against Covid Vaccine Mandates:

Britain: Orwell’s World Of 1984 Looks Attractive Compared To The World We Live In Today

“The exposure of danger to the public which Ofcom todays assails, is exactly what real journalism is supposed to do. I will continue to speak out with lifesaving information to help protect women and babies.”

By Dr. Naomi Wolf: Here is UK Media regulator Ofcoms Orwellian announcement today, censuring Mark Steyn, GBNews and me, after its seven months’ long investigation into my comments on Mark Steyn’s show, in which I correctly presented harms to women and babies that are tabulated in Pfizers own internal documents. Ofcom’s conclusion is not that I was wrong — I was right — in warning women, via primary source evidence in Pfizer’s own documents, about damage to their babies, placentas and breast milk, but rather, Ofcom claims that my comments wereharmful” — even though I was telling the truth:


Censored Part Of Ukraine Crisis - Italian Artist Sheds Light On Donbass War

RT: Few people in the West know that before Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, a bloody war was waged in Donbass for more than eight years. ‘The war in Donbass was censored until February 2022. Through my art I tried to give a voice to those who had no voice’ – Italian artist Federica Vasselli explains why she decided to highlight the events leading up to the 2022 conflict.

Johnstone: This Civilization Is Mentally Ill

The biggest misconception about politics is that political differences have any meaningful existence at all...

Authored by Caitlin Johnstone: It's time for another US presidential race where populist factions on both sides spend a few months angrily decrying the establishment before voting for candidates in the general election who will fully serve that same establishment.

I think this is just the norm now. Public discontent with the US political status quo is now so great that there's going to be a new "Hey kids, you can vote your way into revolutionary change!" feature built into every presidential election. 2012 was the end of a political era.

The biggest misconception about politics is that political differences have any meaningful existence at all. Everyone's herded into two mainstream factions who both serve the interests of the powerful, while those few who can't be herded are marginalized into political impotence.

EU Parliamentarian Shames Europe For Funding Sudan's Civil War While Crying For Peace

2nacheki: Welcome to Candid Africa, Truthful and Unapologetic. In today's video, we will listen to EU Parliamentarian Clare Daly for Peace Shaming Europe for Funding Sudan's Civil War While Crying for Peace.