Russian Warship Thwarts Our NATO Supplied Drone Boats Attack Off Turkey, Those Who Supplied Them Denied Them!

Our warmongering Orwellian British government and warmongering Chief Sunak don't want us to see this video so these traitorous pigs have banned us all from watching the news! Not that any more proof is needed for the fact that the British government hate the British people and they're trying to brainwash us all by controlling the news, because the bastards don't even try to hide what they're doing anymore.

Swedish EU Exit Plan STUNS Brussels

"For those who said post BREXIT that you wouldn't see other countries looking at an EU exit, completely wrong yet again"

"Calls grow for SWEXIT as leader of Sweden's second-largest party renews criticism of Brussels, saying the country 'must take steps so we are prepared to leave the EU" -Michael Heaver

Tough New Hate & Thought Crime Law Has Irish Fearful Their Luck's Running Out On Free Speech And Free Thought

The bills vague language could be used to enforce the increasingly progressive Irish governments increasingly woke agenda...

Authored by S.A. McCarthy: Ireland is on the verge of passing the most aggressive hate crime law in the European Union, which includes the first legal protections in the EU for transgender individuals. Government officials say the bill offers necessary protections at a time when immigration is on the rise and traditional ideas about sex and gender are being challenged. 

Critics counter that the bill’s vague language could be used to enforce the increasingly progressive Irish government’s increasingly woke agenda and forcibly muzzle critics of unpopular government policies. 

The legislation, the Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Act, underscores a divide between Ireland’s leaders and many of its people. The bill is making its way through Parliament, winning approval last month in the Dáil Éireann, Ireland’s lower chamber, by a vote of 110-14.

Unbelievable Reason Why The West Didn't Stop The Rwanda Genocide - Israel Supplied The Weapons For Genocide +

2nacheki: Pan-Africanists talk on Foreign Interference in Africa: The Enduring Destabilising Factor.

Cringe! DOVE Wants Women To Get Fat And Play Video Games!

Daily Freddo with Kasia: Body positivity or a really bad marketing scam? Dove partners up with Epic Games to create ‘inclusive’ looking female avatars. Trying to end over-sexualization of women in video games, they shoot themselves in the foot, as the solution they bring to the table are obese characters. Oh boy! Let’s dive in!

It's Over! 😡 + They Are Coming For Your Freedoms! 🤬

"We are being herded, there's no two ways about it! ...And the tories will never change and labour wouldn't make any difference either."

Jeff Taylor: I used to trust the system - but no more, My trust has been eroded away over the last few years.