28 Jun 2023

European Reacts: Naked Men Twerking For Kids?! - We’re Coming For Your Children - Pride Parade

"What the actual fuck?"
Daily Freddo with Kasia: Second episode of Daily Freddo segment ‘Sh*t that wouldn’t fly here’ is focuses on the problem of exposing kids to sexualised content. Pride parades, drag queens at schools - it’s all getting out of hand. I’m reacting to insane videos from pride parades where children were present and witnessed disgusting things!

Russian Coup EXPOSED - What They're NOT Telling You

Russell Brand: After a Russian mercenary group staged a brief coup attempt over the weekend - only to turn back at the last moment – what was behind it, did the US know about it, and was it all a distraction from Ukraines NATO-backed counter-offensive that has so far proven to be a bloodbath for Ukraine and cost tens of billions of dollars?

Laughing At Tyrants - #SolutionsWatch

Corbett: Stop me if you've heard this before: the best way to disarm a tyrant is to laugh at him. Of course, you have heard this before, but you're going to hear it again, goshdarnit, because it bears repeating. Today, let's all enjoy a peculiarly mirthless exploration of humour (with a "u," thank you) and its utility for getting truth in through the back door. . . . Oh, OK, we'll have a laugh or two along the way, too.

Have You Ever Seen A Russian Superhero Tank?

RT: If you’re a Marvel fan and you thought you’d seen its characters beat every obstacle possible… hold this Chinese video editor’s beer.

A video of a fictional (for now) Russian superhero tank went viral across Chinese social media. This imaginary chef-d’oeuvre of military machinery fights and destroys its enemies like it’s nothing, and even puts the mighty Captain America and Iron Man in their place.

Trump Tells FORBIDDEN Truth About U.S. Foreign Policy! + Jew Who Destroyed Ukraine PROMOTED State Department!

Jimmy Dore: During a recent rally, Donald Trump bragged that if he’d won the 2020 election (or it hadn’t been stolen from him, to be precise), his administration would have successfully overthrown the Venezuelan government by now, and all that nation’s oil would be in the U.S.’s possession. This is of course delusional, and doesn’t acknowledge that 8 months before he left office a coup attempt failed miserably in Venezuela, but whatever.

Jimmy points out that Trump’s main offense is not that he’s a warmonger in many ways just like all other presidents, but that he tells the truth about U.S. imperialism.

Woke Hollywood Sinks Into Irrelevance After Multiple Box Office Failures

They might as well get rid of the box office altogether and come out of the closet as the defacto propaganda wing for governments and globalists...

By Tyler Durden: The formula for box office success these days seems rather simple – Produce a solid story with relatable and likable characters, and tell that story in a setting that makes sense with as few distractions and tangents as possible.  In other words, make a normal movie without the intent to manipulate your audience with propaganda.  

Most movies that follow this basic formula will rake in the cash.  Any movie that insists on browbeating the audience will bomb; get woke, go broke.  The problem is that Hollywood elitists just can't help themselves.  They think they're smarter than the audience and smarter than the box office, and they would rather lose their entire business and fade into obscurity than admit the truth:  The market dictates the success or failure of popular media, the media does not dictate the market.