3 Jul 2023

Is It Fatphobia Not To Date A Fat Person? - Reacting To Cringe Fat Positivity Tiktoks

"Why, they're not a race, they're not a religion. It's totally curable, eat an apple and go for a walk."

Daily Freddo with Kasia: Did the fat acceptance movement go too far? Yes. It did.I'm all for body positivity, but obese people claimed a victim status, talk about being a minority, being oppressed and compare themselves to ACTUAL disable people, or even racial minorities.

Burning Books In A Brave New 1984 World

...these three novels capture everything that has gone terribly wrong in our world, and I put the blame at the feet of totalitarian governments and an apathetic fearful populace...

Authored by Jim Quinn: “Those who don’t build must burn.” ― Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

“One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.” ― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

“Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.” ― George Orwell, 1984

The Venn diagram above perfectly captures the zeitgeist of our current dystopian world better than any academic drivel disguised as a scientific study or any regime media produced propaganda disguised as journalism. In fact, these three novels capture everything that has gone terribly wrong in our world, and I put the blame at the feet of totalitarian governments and an apathetic fearful populace who went along because it was the easiest path to follow.

"I Predict More Riots"

'There seems to be no prospect of any of these tensions abating in the near term. I predict more riots.'

By Benjamin Picton, senior macro strategist at Rabobank:

I Predict A Riot
‘I Predict A Riot’ is a song by UK indie rock outfit ‘Kaiser Chiefs’ from the mid-2000s. I was aggrieved to learn on Twitter recently that this is now “old people’s music”, but the message remains modern enough. Riots broke out in France on Friday following the police shooting of a teenager who had been pulled over and found to be driving without a license. President Emmanuel Macron described the killing as “inexplicable and inexcusable”, which it undoubtedly is. The incident has reignited smouldering social tensions in France, and led to the largest protests since the Yellow Vest demonstrations against rising cost of living and economic inequality. The FT reports that some 45,000 police and various armoured vehicles were mobilised to counter the demonstrations. That’s almost double the strength of Wagner PMC, which successfully marched to within 200kms of the gates of Moscow just over a week ago.

Daniel Ellsberg Was Right - So Are Assange And Snowden...

...what was true for leakers in 1971 remains true today: it is heroic to expose the lies of governments, and those who seek to jail truthtellers are the real criminals who choose to protect state power at the expense of freedom and basic human rights...

Authored by Ryan McMaken: Daniel Ellsberg died on June 16, and he remains one of the nation's most prominent whistleblowers who leaked secret government information to the public. Upon his death the general consensus among the writers of memorials for Ellsberg was that he was right to leak government secrets. As the editorial board at The Orange County Register recently put it, he was "a true American hero." 

They're right about Ellsberg. During the Vietnam War, through his release of the so-called Pentagon Papers in 1971, Ellsberg made public a large trove of secret government documents that exposed many of the Federal government's lies about its involvement throughout Indochina.

Yorkshire Building Society CLOSES Vicar's Bank Account After Airing Views On Bank's Pride Agenda

GBNews: Rev Richard Fothergill discusses having his bank account closed by Yorkshire Building Society after criticising their stance on Pride.

Circa 2025: Deborah Tavares Exposes The NASA Future Warfare Depopulation Document

Real Truth Real News: Deborah Tavares exposes the NASA FUTURE WARFARE DOCUMENT, found on NASA servers that discusses the aims of the Illuminati and the failure of human beings as a species. They argue that we are too large, slow, tender and heavy, cost too much to maintain and now have negative value status and need to be replaced. They talk about the myriad of possible ways that they will kill us, some of them being used is very evident today.

Righting This Cacophony Of Wrongs

Americans have lost sight of what truly matters, and how our uneducated & unfit masses continue to make decisions that enable their complacencies over doing what needs to be done in order to save the future of our country...

Authored by Mike 'Dr.Doom' 𝙃𝙤₿𝙖𝙧𝙩: I hope everyone has had the time to properly appreciate their first days of summer. If you did not, then I hope your efforts have gotten you closer to being capable of doing so soon.

Today’s writing is inspired by my many conversations over the current state of our United States of America, and how far we have fallen from the Tree of Freedom that our Honored Fallen sacrificed their lives for. How Americans have lost sight of what truly matters, and how our uneducated & unfit masses continue to make decisions that enable their complacencies over doing what needs to be done in order to save the future of our country, for ourselves and for our children…