7 Jul 2023

THE JEWS' Organized Destruction Of White Ethnic Nations

The US Govt. Jews Are Responsible for Frances Anti-White Race Riots!

By Eric Striker: In the last week, the banlieues surrounding France’s major cities have erupted in flames and anarchy, with at least one confirmed death, hundreds of injuries and approaching a billion Euros worth of damage. Vicious street battles continue to rage on across the country, pitting immigrant descendants of blacks and Algerians against police and native Gallo-Romans citizens. Much of the violence has taken place around luxury consumer good stores that the supposedly politically aggrieved minorities have been looting at an alarming rate. Law enforcement is on the defensive, with their national union publicly decrying their inability to control the “savagery.”

The claimed catalyst for this European episode of American style anti-white racial chaos was the death of a 17-year-old Maghrebi criminal named Nahel Merzouk, who was shot by the police after attempting to escape in his car during an arrest. Despite not being legally old enough to operate an automobile, Merzouk was driving around in a Mercedes Benz sports car and was shot attempting to get away as officers struggled to arrest him. Under a 2017 law, French police are instructed to shoot reckless drivers that seek to escape arrest, but the white police officer in question, Floriant M., is nevertheless facing manslaughter charges in order to placate the mob, business elites and professional race activists.

Israel, The Media And The Future Of Palestinian Resistence - Husam Zomlot

Middle East Eye: Are we witnessing the beginning of a new Palestinian uprising?

The colonialist Jews' raid on Jenin this week marked a sudden escalation of violence in an increasingly tense West Bank mega concentration camp, with calls for armed insurrections in several Palestinian cities.

12 Christian and Muslim people, including three children, died in Jenin, adding to the toll of more than 100 Palestinians that have been murdered by the Jews since 2022.

'Something Just Snapped': Consumers Panic Search "Pawn Shop Near Me"

This can't be good.

By Tyler Durden: Cash-strapped Americans are panic-searching "pawn shop near me." The search trend spiked to a record high at the start of July and is an ominous sign the consumer might be pawning items or selling things that were possibly bought during the Covid boom to raise quick money amid the worst inflation storm in a generation. 

Let's begin by analyzing Google search data for "pawn shop near me." The search trend started surging in January and exploded higher in the last few months to record highs just days ago. 

Interest in the search trend is nationwide. Some of the most interest is in the Deep South.