24 Jul 2023

Ukrainian Celebrity CONDEMNS Zelensky On TV + Ukrainian Soldiers SPEAK OUT Against Offensive

"ZELENSK'S A JEW, but not a good one! For god's sake are all Jews the same? Talk about anti-Semitic. ...Wake up people, snap out of it, NOT ALL JEWS ARE GOOD!"

Jackson Hinkle

The Rise Of Totalitarianism: Banks Denying Services Based On Political Views

"As Mr. Farage himself said, these documents read like something from Stasi headquarters..."

Authored by Theodore Dalrymple: When the Berlin Wall fell, I naively supposed that freedom was now secure, that never again would the spectre of totalitarianism return to Europe. I failed to take into account what I should have known, that the thirst for power is at least as great as that for freedom. Freedom and power are forever locked into a kind of Manichaean struggle, as are good and evil, and the thirst for power is perfectly capable of making an instrument of supposed good causes.

History doesn’t repeat itself, at least not in precisely the same way. The new totalitarianism doesn’t resort to thugs in the street and the midnight knock on the door. It’s somewhat more subtle than that, but nonetheless ruthless and dangerous for all its subtlety.

In Britain, a well-known politician, Nigel Farage, has had his bank account closed by a bank called Coutts that specializes in rich clients. It’s owned by the much larger National Westminster Bank, whose largest single shareholder by far, since the banking crisis of 2008, is the British government.

Cancellations Start For John Clauser After Nobel Physics Laureate Speaks Out About "Corruption" Of Climate Science

"In my opinion, there is no real climate crisis..."

Authored by Chris Morrison: Earlier this month, the 2022 Nobel Physics Laureate Dr. John Clauser slammed the ‘climate emergency’ narrative as a “dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy and the well-being of billions of people”. Inevitably, the punishments have begun. A talk that Dr. Clauser was due to give to the International Monetary Fund on climate models has been abruptly cancelled, and the page announcing the event removed from the IMF site.

Dr. Clauser was due to speak to the IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office this Thursday under the title: “Let’s talk – How much can we trust IPCC climate predictions?” It would appear that “not a lot” isn’t the politically correct answer. Clauser is a longstanding critic of climate models and criticised the award of the Physics Nobel in 2021 for work on them. He is not alone, since many feel that climate models are primarily based on mathematics, and a history of failed opinionated climate predictions leave them undeserving of recognition at the highest level of pure science. Not that this opinion is shared by the green activist National Geographic magazine, which ran an article: “How climate models got so accurate they won a Nobel.”

INTERVIEW: Professor David Miller Fired For "Anti-Zionist" Views

"Fire by Bristol University for being a decent person concerned about apartheid." -Glenn Greenwald

"Zionism is a racist ideology, has been from the beginning, it still is, always will be." -Professor David Miller

Military Situation Syria 🇸🇾 + Totalitarianism, Censorship And Syria With Peter Lavelle, Vanessa Beeley & Kevork Almassian

"While the US is illegally occupying and has illegal military bases, air bases in Syria, it's blaming Russia for putting its military personnel at risk."

vanessa beeley: Levantine Front: West Pressuring Russia; Israel Bombards Syria Again; US Troops Naïvely Say They’re Off To Fight Jihadis - UK Column News - 19th July 2023

- AP: Russian fighter jet flies dangerously close to US warplane over Syria

FAG: No Sympathy For Woke Hollywood - An Industry Headed For DISASTER

Nerdrotic: "these conditions will potentially produce an absolute collapse of an entire industry." - Barry Diller