27 Jul 2023

Pharmacist MELTS DOWN When Asked About COVID Vaxx!

Jimmy Dore: A video recently went viral on Twitter featuring a mild-mannered pharmacist being persuaded by a drug store customer not to administer COVID vaccines. But is the video real or just a cleverly-produced fake job?

The US Deflation Spiral - URGENT WARNING

Sasha Yanshin: The Federal Reserve has just increased interest rates by 0.25% to 5.5%. In June the Fed said that they are pausing interest rate hikes to get more data and since then inflation fell from 4.0% to 3.0%, core inflation has fallen, rent prices are falling, every key inflation indicator is falling and projected to keep falling. Now the Fed is seriously risking overtightening and creating artificial deflationary pressure that can have far worse consequences than the inflation they are trying to tackle.

They're Hopping Mad + A Stunning Victory + Not This Again

"This is classic new elite, a world in which eroding the basic legal rights and status of people who hold non-elite views is, basically, acceptable.


Anything Goes

"America The Beautiful" To "America Smeared With Faeces"

Millions upon millions of Americans have lost all sense of self-respect, and the level of human degradation that we see all around us just gets worse with each passing day.

Authored by Michael Snyder: I am going to warn you right now – this article is all about poop.  Our nation was once known as “America the Beautiful”, but now so much of what made us so beautiful has crumbled and decayed, and feces is literally being smeared all over the place. 

I truly wish that I was exaggerating, but at this point poop in the streets has become a major issue from coast to coast.  Our homeless population is absolutely exploding, and many of the homeless are addicted to drugs.  Unfortunately, many drug addicts simply do not care where they are when it is time to take a crap.  They just pull down their pants and let it fly.

Gisele Bundchen GETS FURIOUS When Tom Brady Moves On + Andrew Tate's ACCUSERS Have Been EXPOSED +

"Women want the best of everything, they want to marry a superstar world famous football player and they also want him to be faithful and then when he's faithful, now he's not home enough. The men literally can't win."


The Simpocalypse Is Upon Us

Resist the simps. Build families. Question authority. Workout. Eat meat. Own guns. Say what you believe. And say with ya chest. Freedoms that can be enabled by a money of individual sovereignty and freedom; bitcoin.

Authored by 𝙈𝙞𝙠𝙚 “DR. DOOM” 𝙃𝙤₿𝙖𝙧𝙩: For decades fathers, uncles, brothers and sons sat idly by as men were publicly insulted and berated without providing refutation or challenge. Yet, we all bear the burden in these unfortunate outcomes. In our willful complacency weakness and fragility have festered and society has since progressed further with rot. Every battle that we choose not to fight, is a battle left for our children to be forced to toil with. We have set our children up for a most troublesome conflict with the self, society, and the soul of America.

We have run aground onto the shores of simp culture. Before we continue it would be best that we define what this term “simp,” and the culture entails. A simp refers to one who expresses undue or excessive affection, sympathy, and attention towards one that does not reciprocate these feelings. With explicit focus on the “undue” aspect of this relationship, the receivers of this behavior do not provide actions or evidence that would justify such admiration.

Trinity Nuclear Fallout Impacted 46 States, Canada, Mexico: Study

"When the initial shock wore off, locals returned to their daily lives. They drank from cisterns full of radioactive debris, ate beef from cattle that had grazed on the dust for weeks on end, & breathed air full of tiny plutonium particles."

Authored by Connor Freeman: A recently released study exposes the “widespread dispersion” of radioactive fallout and devastation caused by the US government’s first detonation of a nuclear weapon. The “Trinity” atomic bomb test which caused  “environmental contamination and population exposures” was carried out in New Mexico on July 16th, 1945.

This new research shows within 10 days of the explosion, which saw a mushroom cloud as high as 50,000 – 70,000 feet, radioactive deposits were dispersed across 46 states, and even parts of Canada as well as Mexico.