7 Aug 2023

Albert Einstein’s 1948 Letter To the NYT Warning Of Jewish Zionist Fascism In Israel

Albert Einstein and a number of distinguished Jews were anti-semites who criticized Jewish Israel for Zionist Fascism.”

Global Research Editor’s Note: Of  relevance to recent developments in Israel, we bring to the attention of our readers the following letter by Albert Einstein, et al, to the NYT published on December 4, 1948.

It is of utmost significance to reflect upon a historical process initiated at very outset of the State of Israel.

What is outlined in this letter depicting the atrocities committed against the people of Palestine in 1948 in the Village of Deir Yassin vividly describe what is currently ongoing, more than 75 years later in the State of Israel. 

The signatories of the 1948 letter were:

Isidore Abramowitz, Hannah Arendt, Abraham Brick, Rabbi Jessurun Cardozo, Albert Einstein, Herman Eisen, M.D., Hayim Fineman, M. Gallen, M.D., H.H. Harris, Zelig S. Harris, Sidney Hook, Fred Karush, Bruria Kaufman, Irma L. Lindheim, Nachman Maisel, Symour Melman, Myer D. Mendelson, M.D., Harry M. Orlinsky, Samuel Pitlick, Fritz Rohrlich, Louis P. Rocker, Ruth Sager, Itzhak Sankowsky, I.J. Schoenberg, Samuel Shuman, M. Znger, Irma Wolpe and Stefan Wolpe.

Controversial Eyeball-Scanning Worldcoin To Allow Governments To Use Its Digital ID System

Allowing state actors to use the dystopian technology...

Authored by Christina Maas: OpenAI CEO Sam Altman’s Worldcoin is a good example of private companies doing their bit to push and introduce digital ID schemes to as many people as possible – although this effort is usually done by governments, and supported by various lobbies.

And now, Worldcoin has announced that it will be even more helpful to governments, by allowing them to use the system of biometric scanning it employs to sign users up. Other companies will be given the same privilege.

The intention is clearly to get as many people as possible on board, hence the “generosity” with sharing the iris scanning tech, as well as that designed to verify people’s identity.

And it’s no secret: “We are on this mission of building the biggest financial and identity community that we can,” is how Tools for Humanity (a company behind Worldcoin) executive Ricardo Macieira put it.

Jordan Peterson & Russell Brand On Politics, Censorship & Religion

Russell Brand: The world-renowned clinical psychologist, professor, and best-selling author Dr. Jordan Peterson joins Russell to talk about the nature of truth, and the challenges of modern society. His views on the latest charges surrounding Donald Trump, the challenges of censorship, his debate with Richard Dawkins and his new upcoming University!

USA: The War On Truth

If we lose this war, there can be no recovery, no return...

Authored by Eric Utter: There is an all-out, no holds barred, war on truth occurring now-- and we here in America are on its front lines…whether some of us know it or not. If we lose this war, there can be no recovery, no return. That statement is not hyperbole, nor is it born of ignorance or undue pessimism.

Sadly, the simple fact is that it is easy to lie today. Anyone can do so without facing any real consequences. (See also: Dr. Fauci, the Bidens…and, well, most politicians, period.) But dare to tell the unvarnished truth? The odds are you will be mocked, savaged, cancelled—and possibly indicted and imprisoned.

How can this be? We were instructed, Biblically, to seek the truth. “The way, the truth, and the life.”

Today, too many of us have lost our way, and some no longer even believe in the concept of knowable truth. Sadly, this has caused many people to become anxious, depressed, hollow. Worse, it has led many to devalue life.

Scottish Government Axes 16 Million Trees To Clear Way For 'Greener' Solutions - What A Bunch Of Loonies

Stupidity is increasingly state-sanctioned...

Authored by Olivia Murray: Since 2000, the Scottish government has felled around 1,700 trees on a daily basis, all to make way for “green” initiatives. Leave it to the government and their leftist abettors to harp on the “destruction of the environment” then chop down literal trees to create barren wastelands—all to make room for obtrusive, industrial, inanimate behemoths that obliterate all sorts of animal populations, and create massive amounts of environmental pollution (in production, maintenance, and disposal).

According to an article by Frank Bergman and posted to Slay News yesterday, the Scottish government’s scheme of systematic deforestation was implemented to “meet the goals” of the climate agenda. Is that not one of the most ludicrous and asinine things you’ve ever heard? Or perhaps, the move is right in line with the climate agenda, because the goal isn’t environmentalism... but rather communistic destruction?

Hiroshima, Nagasaki Bombings Were Needless, Said World War II's Top US Military Leaders

"Japan was already defeated and dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary..."

Authored by Brian McGlinchey: The anniversaries of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki present an opportunity to demolish a cornerstone myth of American history — that those twin acts of mass civilian slaughter were necessary to bring about Japan’s surrender, and spare a half-million US soldiers who’d have otherwise died in a military conquest of the empire’s home islands.

Those who attack this mythology are often reflexively dismissed as unpatriotic, ill-informed or both. However, the most compelling witnesses against the conventional wisdom were patriots with a unique grasp on the state of affairs in August 1945 — America’s senior military leaders of World War II.

Let’s first hear what they had to say, and then examine key facts that led them to their little-publicized convictions:

Ice Cube Tells Black US Voters To #DemExit!

Jimmy Dore: Black voters have long represented the most reliable and steadfast voting bloc for Democrats. Yet after the Barack Obama presidency failed to produce notable gains for black Americans and Joe Biden has followed suit by delivering little on his own campaign promises, this key demographic is beginning to slip through Democrats’ fingers. Most recently rapper Ice Cube spoke with Tucker Carlson and told black voters to give up on supporting Democrats until the party started delivering on its promises.

Great News: Nigeria's Senate Rejected War Against Niger + THE US IS A BULLY - People Are Fed Up, They Want Freedom

"Most African countries were divided. If they speak English their colonisers most likely Britain, if they speak French the colonisers most likely France, if they speak Portuguese, you understand how it goes and people are separated based on languages they have learned from colonisers unfortunately and most presidents work for those colonisers. As long as you do what they ask you to do, you supply them with the things they want, it's OK you can stay there for 40 years as a president, nobody is bothered by that,
but if you start working for your people, if you start building for your people, if you are a leader who sees the interests of your people first then you are the enemy, they don't like you, they call you all sorts of names, you are illegal, you are a dictator, same as Gaddafi, he was a person who worked very hard for his country, his people lived well, they paid no tax, just imagine and almost zero dollar to fuel, they lived in peace, but they did everything they could to throw them down, to topple him." - Zack Mwekassa

Kangaroo Court In Romania Finally Released 'Top G' Andrew Tate From House Arrest On Some Trumped Up Charges

'I've Done Nothing Wrong.'

A Bucharest kangaroo court ruled on Friday, August 4, to release 'Top G' Andrew Tate from house arrest where he has been awaiting trial for months on some trumped up charges of human trafficking, placing him under judicial control, a lighter restrictive measure, due to the fact that the whole affair is exposing Romania internationally for the corrupt backward dump that it is, that none of us should ever dare to visit, in case we suffer the same fate for daring to have an opinion that is contrary to that of the lame-stream media and the New World Order.