"Look at what you did to Libya! ...What is America doing here? ...We understand what Putin is fighting against, because we have it here!"
Zack Mwekassa

“Unsafe At Any Speed” It's Time To Ban Electric Vehicles!

'Now they are willing to trade our blood in exchange for getting us to stop using oil'

Authored by Stephen Moore: The New York Fire Department recently reported that so far this year there have been 108 lithium-ion battery fires in New York City, which have injured 66 people and killed 13. According to FDNY Commissioner Laura Kavanagh, “There is not a small amount of fire, it (the vehicle) literally explodes.” The resulting fire is “very difficult to extinguish and so it is particularly dangerous.”

 Last year there were more than 200 fires from batteries from e-bikes, EVs, and other devices.

A fire ignited at an e-bike shop and killed four people near midnight on the morning of June 20. Two individuals were left in critical condition. The fire commissioner has warned New Yorkers that such devices could be very dangerous and typically explode in such a way that renders escape impossible.

FDNY also reports that in just three years, lithium-ion battery fires have surpassed those started by cooking and smoking as the most common causes of fatal fires in New York City. It’s happening all over the country as these blazes have become commonplace. Cars and e-bikes are randomly blowing up in driveways and garages.

The Dutch School Of Understanding - #SolutionsWatch

Corbett: Tjeerd Andringa joins James on #SolutionsWatch to discuss his cancellation from his former position at the University of Groningen and, more importantly, how that prompted him to create the School of Understanding. Designed as a small-scale, decentralized, effective, and cheap solution to the problems of our current schooling, the School of Understanding that Andringa is creating promises to serve as a model for an alternative post-secondary education system.

The Covid Pandemic: A Case Study Of Money Trumping Integrity

How Can We Trust a Medical Establishment that Tells Us Unprecedented Sudden Deaths Among Youth Are aCoincidence”?

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: During the so-called “Covid Pandemic,” which today looks to have been an orchestration to serve profit and other agendas, medical doctors were prohibited from prescribing Ivermectin, a drug approved for human use in 1966 by the FDA. Tony Fauci at NIH, the CDC, the FDA, and the presstitutes all came out against Ivermectin. Big Pharma’s “health officials” and ignorant presstitutes made jokes about Ivermectin, which has been used safely all over the world for more than a half century, calling it “horse medicine” unsafe and potentially deadly for human consumption. Here is an example of what the Big Pharma owned FDA said: “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”

Doctors in corporate employment who prescribed Ivermectin were warned by their employers, and if they persisted in saving patients instead of Big Pharma’s profits they were fired. Doctors in private practice were set upon by medical boards and had their medical licenses suspended or taken away. Some of the most famous and distinguished medical practitioners and researchers in the world were persecuted and lost their positions. Pharmacies refused to honor doctor’s prescriptions for Ivermectin. A strong media campaign was launched against everyone who recommended or prescribed Ivermectin.

There was never any scientific or medical reason for the campaign against Ivermectin. Why the campaign against it?

Comedian On Autistic Girl Arrested For "Hate Speech"

"Fingers crossed that weaponised autism will save society from this progressive mania."

Leo Kearse: West Yorkshire Police arrested an autistic girl for a "homophobic public order offence" a couple of nights ago, apparently for something she said in her own home (and therefore not a public order offence). She said a police officer looked like her "lesbian nana". Her nana is a lesbian, it's not homophobic, it's just an awkward but factual comment.