30 Aug 2023

Stick Your Vaccine Mandates Up Your Arse! We Have A 2nd Chance To Say NO To Our Psychopathic Governments

"I know I'm only a kid, but to be honest we need to be like Power Rangers we need to fight back against EVIL, because the main stream media are EVIL and they're trying to make us under a spell and we need to resist it, we need to resist masks, WE NEED TO RESIST ALL OF IT!"

Real Truth Real News

Military Seizes Power In OPEC Nation Gabon As Wave Of Anti Western Colonialist Coups Sweep Africa

"In the name of the Gabonese peoplewe have decided to defend the peace by putting an end to the current regime."

By Tyler Durden: Following last month's military takeover in Niger, a group of senior Gabonese military officers announced on national television they were seizing power in the central African nation, overturning results in a disputed presidential election four days ago. 

Bloomberg reported the oil-rich nation (also an OPEC member) with a population of about 2 million saw dollar bonds tumble after military officers announced on television channel Gabon 24 that election results were canceled, borders closed, and state institutions including the Senate, National Assembly and Constitutional Court dissolved. 

"In the name of the Gabonese people … we have decided to defend the peace by putting an end to the current regime," one military office said. He said, "We call on the population for calm and serenity."

The British People Are Being Ordered Not To Heat Their Homes At Night As Part Of Moronic 'Net Zero' Climate Goals

Critics are fuming..."I came into politics to improve all aspects of my constituentslives, not make them colder and poorer."

By Tyler Durden: Britain's Climate Change Committee (CCC) has urged millions of Britons to not heat their homes in the evening to help the government hit its net zero target.

Photo left: Useful idiot Chris Stark, the Climate Change Committee head, has previously admitted he uses a gas boiler because a heat pump is 'a very difficult thing to put in there'

No, they aren't urging elites to ditch their private jets for commercial, or not to burn 1,000 of fuel taking the yacht out for a jaunt. Chris Stark, head of the CCC, wants ordinary citizens to turn off their electric heaters (heat pumps) at night as part of a wider drive to deliver "emissions savings," which includes a shift away from gas boilers - which Chris, a hypocrite, still has.

Contained in a document on "behavior change," the CCC recommended that Britons instead "pre-heat" their houses in the afternoons when electricity use is lower, and would theoretically save families money.

Jordan Peterson Hits Back After Canada Forces Him Into "Coaching Program" Over Controversial Statements

Obey or feel the lash...

By Tyler Durden: Clinical psychologist and Daily Wire contributor Dr. Jordan Peterson has been cast into Canadian outer darkness for thought crimes.

And by Canadian outer darkness, we mean "social media sensitivity training" for his controversial (practical) statements, which a panel of three Ontario Divisional Court judges agreed have been "unprofessional."

According to court documents, the "coaching program" will require Peterson to "reflect on, and ameliorate [his] professionalism in public statements."

"The order is not disciplinary and does not prevent Dr. Peterson from expressing himself on controversial topics; it has a minimal impact on his right to freedom of expression," wrote Justice Paul Schabas.

Peterson, a former professor of psychology for the University of Toronto, went viral in 2016 for a lecture in which he condemned the use of pronouns, and slammed Canadian lawmakers over legislation on gender identity or expression, The Federalist Papers reports, citing the BBC.

The LIES TOLD About Women Oppression + Playboy Model DESTROYS Obnoxious FEMINISTS Live On TV

"Feminists love to tell us that all women throughout all of history were oppressed by the man and they were beaten by their husbands and every one was unhappy and truly miserable, but how true is that?"

Christine Grace Smith

Will White People Survive?

'Never expect to see any “black studies” program in any Western university–especially in America, or Britain teach that it was the WHITE English who stopped BLACK AFRICAN rulers from capturing blacks, enslaving them and selling them to locations that needed a work force by blockading the ports.'

Moronic descendants of William Gladstone urge British government to discuss reparations in the Caribbean

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Beginning in 1787 the English  began campaigning for the abolition of the slave trade. As the slave trade was the product of black Africa itself, the only way the English could abolish the slave trade was by prohibiting English purchase of slaves and by using England’s command of the seas to blockade the African ports where the slaves captured by the black African King of Dahomey were loaded onto Portuguese, French, British, and Dutch ships. Once the British closed Dahomey’s Gate of No Return at Ouidah by blockading the port, Dahomey’s revenues which had equipped Dahomey’s army with modern European weapons collapsed, and Dahomey fell to the French in the 1890s just as the 20th century opened.

In 1833 the English Parliament passed the Slavery Abolition Act, which freed slaves in English territories.

Why Do We Let Modern Women Play Pretend? + Steve Harvey's Wife CHEATS + Steve DEFENDING CHEATING WIFE

"The simps and the media, the culture, all this shit has gassed up our egos so much that we all think we're more important and we're more special than we [women] really are."
