7 Sept 2023


Belinda Brown: Yesterday the MP Nick Fletcher discussed on Woman's Hour his excellent proposal that we need a Minister for Men. 6 September 2023 Nigel Farage invited me on to GB News to address this questions.

Angelos Agathangelou: Not bad, Belinda has noticed that when we disenfranchise men society falls apart and that there's no need to worry about women, because after all we've done nothing but worry about women forever and furthermore she's noticed that most people are more like sheep, or sheeple and they need to be lead, even though those who aspire to lead are invariably unscrupulous.

The Most Accurate Description Of The Western World Today Seems To Be In The Book Of Revelation

It seems that Satan has been unleashed, and except for Arhbishop Vigano his opponents reduced to cowardice and insouciance.

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: On September 4, I noted that “our leaders” are mimicking the Book of Revelation and that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are doing their job. https://stgeorgewest.blogspot.com/2023/09/japanese-scientists-find-that-covid-19.html

I was stunned to read this morning two articles by Archbishop Vigano that we are in end times with globalism being used to bring the Antichrist to power and Covid orchestrated to pave the road to the tyranny of the Antichrist.

One doesn’t have to be religious, as Archbishop Vigano is, to see how completely the Western World today reflects the description in the Book of Revelation. Power has been transferred from the people to authorities throughout society and countries. Sexual perversity is being normalized. Normality is being mocked. Truth ridiculed as misinformation. Hatred encouraged among races. The rule of law turned from a shield of the people into a weapon against them. War is liberation and building democracy. Integrity, honor, justice are extinguished. Wantonness encouraged. Evil acts and thoughts are everywhere to be found.

"It Definitely Wasn't Barack's First Time": Obama's Crack-Fueled Gay Tryst Accuser Talks To Tucker

"I had given Barack $250 to pay for Coke..."

By Tyler Durden: Ever since Barack Obama biographer David Garrow revealed that the former president told an ex-girlfriend that he "repeatedly fantasizes about making love to men," the internet has been abuzz over Obama's sexual orientation - and whether Michelle Obama is actually a dude.

In his latest interview on X, Tucker Carlson sat down with Larry Sinclair, the man who for 25 years has maintained that he and former President Barack Obama engaged in drug-fueled sex acts, once in the back of a limo and another in a hotel room in Gurnee, Illinois.

Of note, Sinclair has a long rap sheet - including convictions on forgery, fraud and larceny charges. He's served prison time in Arizona, Colorado and Florida - a history which has been widely used to discredit Sinclair's claims which he first made in 2008 when Obama was running for president.

"You're just a guy who's in town for the night and it sounds like you're looking to party?" asked Tucker of the alleged encounter, in which he says a limo driver introduced him to Obama after asking for help finding someone to 'party' with.

STOP STARMER! Say Labour Party Supporters! + Andrew Bridgen Asks A Question!

"There's a 'STOP STARMER!' Grass roots campaign developing. ...Backed by George Galloway. ...How do we stop THE UNIPARTY BLOB?"

Jeff Taylor


SugarTits: We take a look at modern day women in the dating pool and ask the question... do they really just want SIMP BOYS?