15 Sept 2023

Apple Tells Support Staff To Remain Silent On iPhone Radiation Concern

"Staff should also reject customers' requests ..."

By Tyler Durden: Apple plans to issue an over-the-air update in the coming days for iPhone 12 users in France after regulators ordered a halt in sales over concerns the device emits too much radiation. 

"We will issue a software update for users in France to accommodate the protocol used by French regulators," Apple told Reuters in a statement. 

The company continued, "We look forward to iPhone 12 continuing to be available in France."

Earlier this week, French regulators ordered a ban on iPhone 12 sales after a Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) test - how much radio frequency is absorbed into a body from a device - exceeded European radiation exposure limits. 

Besides the iPhone 12's radiation levels, another controversy is brewing as Bloomberg said Apple instructed employees to stay 'mum' when customers ask about the radiation issue:

Post-Postmodern America

Woke Revolution depends on its advocates never having to experience firsthand any of the nonsense they inflict on others...

Authored by Victor Davis Hanson: When the progressive woke revolution took over traditional America, matters soon reached the level of the ridiculous.

Take the following examples of woke craziness and hypocrisy, perhaps last best witnessed during Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution.

The Biden administration from its outset wished to neuter immigration law. It sought to alter radically the demography of the U.S. by stopping the border wall and allowing into the United States anyone who could walk across the southern border.

Over seven million did just that. Meanwhile, Biden ignored the role of the Mexican cartels in causing nearly 100,000 ANNUAL American fentanyl deaths.

Remember: All Of This Is Just A Coincidence

Childrens Hearts Destroyed by COVID-19 mRNA Gene Therapy Vaccines. Their Heart Transplants Are Not Going Well, with Complications
Transplant Medicine is a complete DISASTER!

By Dr. William Makis: 2023 Aug.14 – Los Angeles, CA – 12 year old Cash Addy was visiting Korea with his parents when he started complaining of chest pains. He was COVID-19 mRNA vaccinated but didn’t have COVID. He was taken to the hospital, diagnosed with myocarditis, had cardiac arrest, was put on life support and eventually received a heart transplant on July 20. Sadly, he had complications post transplant, developed clotting and hemorrhage in the brain and died.

Interview With Maria Zakharova

"The West has isolated itself."

RN: The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova gave an interview. In particular, Zakharova expressed her opinion about Donald Trump’s persecution.

Mugabe Reveals NATO Tactics During UN Speech + Zambia's President Makes Angry Warning Against Coup Plotters

2nacheki: Welcome to Candid Africa in this video we will watch Late Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe Reveals NATO Tactics to the World During UN Speech.

When Truth-Tellers Have To Plead For Public Support The Country Is Lost

The Former Director of Mossad, the Israeli CIA, said that Israel is an Apartheid State

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: “In a territory where two people are judged under two legal systems, that is an apartheid state.”  — Tamir Pardo


When President Jimmy Carter said Israel was an Apartheid State, the Jewish members of the Carter Center resigned and ADL branded President Carter an anti-semite. 

Pardo seems to be a realistic public figure. He  agrees with me when he declares:  “A country that has no border has no boundaries.”   When President Trump stresses the importance of borders, he is labeled a “white supremacist” by Democrats and the whore media.

Netanyahu’s party quickly declared the former head of Israeli intelligence to be an anti-semite.

Give a moment’s thought to Pardo’s statement:  “In a territory where two people are judged under two legal systems, that is an apartheid state.”