8 Oct 2023

Laurence Fox Reacts To His Ridiculous Arrest + Andrew Bridgen MP On Migrant Hotels

"They took my kids' phones and iPads. To do that is a malevolence restricted solely to the political intimidation of somebody who stands against them. My frustration is we have just one political party in this country, both versions of this party are separated just by the colour of rosettes. They're obsessed with carbon heavy fear porn and the obsession of this idea of net zero carbon. The last time we went for net zero anything we destroyed the world economy for covid and it didn't work."

Reclaim The Media

The Ocean Is Deeper Than You Think - We Need Better Maps

Cleo Abram: Why deep sea maps are SO BAD (and how to fix it)...

Ahsoka Is A Massive FAILURE - The Force Is Female Incompetence

"Following the adventures of boring women in space looking for balls."

Nerdrotic: Ahsoka is EVERYTHING wrong with Disney Star Wars. A show about boring women in space getting lost.

Johnstone: The Top Ten Dumbest Things Empire Propagandists Ask Us To Believe

When you live under an empire thats held together by lies, youll be asked to believe a lot of intensely stupid bullshit.

Authored by Caitlin Johnstone: Here are the top ten dumbest things the propagandists of the US-centralized empire try to get us to swallow.

1. That the US war machine has been surrounding its top two rivals China and Russia with war machinery as an act of defense, rather than an extremely provocative act of aggression.

2. That the war in Ukraine simultaneously (A) was completely unprovoked, and (B) just coincidentally happens to massively advance US strategic interests and therefore should be funded as much as possible.

3. That, okay, all those other wars were based on lies and resulted in disaster, but that couldn’t possibly be the case for this current war.

4. That your country’s foreign policy is determined by your official elected government, even though the foreign policy remains the same regardless of who is in office.

HOLY SHIT! US FDA Approved NEW Novavax Covid Vaccine WITHOUT Clinical Trials!

Redacted: The US FDA has approved a new Covid vaccine by Novavax for anyone over the age of 12. They did this based on previous safety and effectiveness data rather than a clinical trial of this vaccine. The approval of the new Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were done the same way. No new clinical trials. Who needs those!? But are they "safe and effective"? We will take a look.