19 Oct 2023

Super Cool Irish MEP Clare Daly Condemns The BS Phrase "Europe Stands With Israel" Because We Truly Don't! +

Middle East Eye: She does not speak for me. She does not speak for Ireland. And she does not speak for the citizens of Europe.” Irish MEP Clare Daly condemned the phrase "Europe stands with Israel" which was said by the president of the EU commission, Ursula von der Leyen, in a speech on Monday, saying: we stand for justice for the people of Palestine and for the upholding of international law.”

"War With Iran Would Be SUICIDE And The U.S. Will Lose" - Scott Ritter

Redacted: Former U.N. weapons inspector Scott Ritter lays out how a U.S. backed war against Iran would bring devastation to both the United States and Israel. Ritter says Israel would be destroyed if it tries to face off against Hezbollah and Hamas simultaneously.

Marwa Osman - The Hospital Strike In Gaza By The Genocidal Entity - Restricted By JewTube

"I saw a father carrying the limbs of his children in plastic bags, because the Israel entity is a genocidal entity! ...Some people don't even have bodies of their babies to bury!"
vanessa beeley

Western Media’s Parroting Of Official Jewish Lies 'Hasbara' Is Paving Way To Genocide Of Christians & Muslims In Gaza

Yet another catastrophe looms because so-called journalists have failed to hold both the Jews' racist apartheid regime Israel and their own governments to account

Photo: The much hated Jew nobbled British Brainwashing Creeps.

By Jonathan Cook: How did we get to the point where Israel can order half of Gaza’s population – more than one million people – to move from the north of their tiny prison to the south of their tiny prison, in one of the most overcrowded places on Earth? Palestinians in Gaza were given 24 hours to do so or face dire consequences. 

The depopulation order is being treated as “advance warning” – a concept Israel has played around with for many years to mangle international law and legitimise its targeting of civilians. 

Anyone left in northern Gaza – children, the sick, the elderly, the disabled – will face a terrifying fate: either a rain of bombs or a ground invasion comprising hundreds of thousands of Jewish death troops seeking vengeance for the death of more than 1,300 Jews during Palestinian fighters’ attack last weekend, most of these murdered Jews it transpires, if Jewish eye witness survivors are to be believed, were murdered by the Jews' own racist and vicious army in a brutal own goal!

The UK Mortgage Crash Just Started

Sasha Yanshin: UK Inflation data has flatlined at 6.7% and CPIH is at 6.3%. While everybody is pointing to rising fuel prices, inflation in the UK is now being driven by fast growing wages and mortgage payments increasing because of high interest rates. House prices are now falling and people are at risk of not being able to make their mortgage and rent payments which could lead to significant problems.

Unacceptable Risks Regarding The Jews' Massacre Of Christians & Muslims In Gaza

Larry Sparano: As Israel Death Forces IDF continue to reduce parts of Gaza to rubble, and "wipe Hamas from the face of the earth" the question is: which side might have miscalculated? And could such a miscalculation escalate the Christians and Muslim Freedom Fighters v Israel conflict into a world war? Could we actually be heading toward a nuclear Armageddon? As outlandish as that might sound, respected political analyst Paul Craig Roberts explains why such a possibility should not be dismissed, in his latest conversation with Larry Sparano.