22 Nov 2023

Britain Rises For Gaza: Lowkey Exposes Israel's Waning Grip On Politics + TERRORIST + OBAMA NATION PART 2

BTN: On Monday, British Home Secretary Suella Braverman was ousted from office, following her tirade against security forces, for supposedly being “soft” on pro-Palestine solidarity demonstrators. Her remarks came on the heels of one of the biggest protests in British history, in which 1 million people gathered in London to stand in solidarity with Palestine. Musician and journalist Lowkey joins the show to discuss the growing solidarity movement for Palestine and how it is shaking up the political scene in the UK.

UN Chief Blasts Israel Regime Killing Thousands Of Christian & Muslim Children + UK University Challenge Scares Jews

Novara Media: More than 5500 children have now been killed by the Jews in Gaza, Israels latest targets include a refugee camp and a United Nations run school.

"Ukraine's ARMY Is About To Collapse And It's OVER" Marine Scott Ritter - Jew Zelensky Killed All Ukraine's Christian Men

"There will be no negotiation with Ukraine. It will be a battleship Missouri moment. Ukraine will be given an opportunity to come to a table and sign a document that has been prepared by Russia which outlines Russias demands, not requests. The Russians will be reasonable, this could have ended ages ago and 500,000 men's lives would not have been lost. ...The West has sacrificed Ukraine."


Israel Uses LGBT Pride To Justify Genocide In Gaza!

"Israel Just FUCKED Gaza In The ASS! ...The Gaza Occupation Is Sooo GAY!"

Jimmy Dore: An image recently went viral depicting an Israeli soldier proudly holding up a rainbow flag against a backdrop of urban devastation, announcing the arrival of Pride to the Gaza Strip. Which is more than a little curious, considering that gay marriage is illegal in Israel. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the bizarre juxtaposition of LGBTQ rights and the genocide underway in Gaza.

Andrew Tate Spends Long Interview Being Brow Beaten By Zionist Jewish Apartheid Regime Super Shill Piers Morgan +

Piers Morgan Uncensored

Angelos Agathangelou: For the record, do I condemn Hamas? No I do not. Simple. Clearly Hamas are heroic freedom fighters and if the Jews had done to my people for over 3 generations what they've done to the Palestinians, I'd get medieval on their asses like Pulp Fiction and take the whole apartheid regime down a dark cellar and arse rape them for decades until their rectal passages were about a meter wide. Just like the Jews like to show us in Hollywood movies how they dream of arse raping Hitler with large pineapples, I'd shove whole pineapple trees up their arses, ...for decades.