4 Dec 2023

SHOCKING Expose Destroys Israel's Claims

"An independent NGO estimates that over 20,000 Christian and Muslim civilians have been killed by the Jews and the large majority of those are women, children and babies."

Owen Jones: This is one of the most important revelations since the war began. Journalists at an Israeli-Palestinian media outlet have exposed claims that the Israeli military seeks to avoid civilian casualties - by interviewing those at the heart of the military intelligence establishment. I go through the findings here - they will shock you.

Evil Israel Death Forces IDF Jews Killed 700+ More Christian & Muslim Babies, Children, Women & Men In 24 Hours, Day 58

Latest Jews' attacks in Gaza mega concentration camp, Catholic Church bombed by the Jews, humanitarian updateJews escalating their evil violence in West Bank mega concentration camp, Vermont shooting update, rhetoric from the White House, 250 US financial executives signed a letter in support of the Jews racist apartheid regime Israel, and more

If Americans Knew: More than 700 Palestinians have been killed in the Gaza mega concentration camp during the last 24 hours, according to the Director General of the Gov’t Media Office in Gaza.

Palestinian human rights organizations have issued a letter calling on UN human rights experts specializing in the prevention of genocide to take ‘immediate’ action as ‘genocide is unfolding in the Gaza.’

China Has A SHOCKING Secret That Will Change EVERYTHING

"China has the weapons and forces to destroy us [US] if we try to go to war with them."

Redacted: China is sitting on a massive secret that the west is totally ignoring. Propagandists are pushing for war between the U.S. and China but the real war won't happen on a battlefield it'll happen at the banks. In this video we'll dive deeply into China's new partnerships in the Middle East and why everyone is missing the real story.

Meet Henry 'THE BASTARD' Kissinger

Description: A war criminal, a genocidal eugenicist, a power-hungry plotter, a modern-day Machiavelli, a Rockefeller toadie. Meet Henry 'THE BASTARD' Kissinger.

Mike Adams Interviews PCR About The Jews v Christians & Muslims And The West v Russia Conflicts And Other Matters

Health Ranger Report: Paul Craig Roberts and Mike Adams reveal the huge MISTAKE US officials are making for the Jews 'Little Israel' and "Ukraine = Big Israel".

Germany Infiltrated By 'Economic Migrants' Abusing An Asylum System, Claims Country's Former Top Judge

Hans-Jürgen Papier called for urgent reform to stop the absurdityof the current asylum policy...

Authored by Thomas Brooke: European Union asylum laws are not fit for purpose and Germany is being abused by an influx of economic migrants with the luxury of handpicking which European nation they’d like to settle in, Germany’s former most senior judge has claimed.

Prof. Hans-Jürgen Papier, who served as president of the Federal Constitutional Court for eight years until 2010, accused successive federal administrations of acknowledging the shortcomings in the EU asylum policies but failing to do anything about it and called for fundamental reform to address the issue.

“We have another migration crisis,” Papier wrote in an op-ed for the Bild newspaper, claiming that “essentially nothing has changed” from the previous crisis of 2015.

“Many people come to our country from all parts of the world for clearly non-asylum reasons. The right to asylum is therefore being misused and, in many cases, applied for improperly in Germany,” he noted.

Matt Taibbi Tells US Congress Suppression of Truth Is Being Institutionalized

Matt Taibbi’s November 30, 2023, testimony before the US House Judiciary Committee on the suppression of truth

Exactly one year ago today I had my first look at the documents that came to be known as the Twitter Files. One of the first things Michael, Bari Weiss and I found was an image, showing that Stanford’s Dr. Jay Bhattacharya had been placed on a “trends blacklist”:

This was not because he was suspected of terrorism or incitement or of being a Russian spy or a bad citizen in any way. Dr. Bhattacharya’s crime was doing a peer-reviewed study that became the 55th-most read scientific paper of all time, which showed the WHO initially overstated Covid-19 infection fatality rates by a factor of 17. This was legitimate scientific opinion and should have been an important part of the public debate, but Bhattacharya and several of his colleagues instead became some of the most suppressed people in America in 2020 and 2021.

That’s because by then, even true speech that undermined confidence in government policies had begun to be considered a form of disinformation, precisely the situation the First Amendment was designed to avoid.

When Michael and I testified before the good people of this Committee in March we mentioned this classically Orwellian concept of “malinformation” — material that is somehow both true and wrong — as one of many reasons everyone should be concerned about these digital censorship programs.