The Truth About The Economy That The Lame Stream Media Are Not Telling You

If it seems to you that the economic headlines that we are being fed by the mainstream media are completely and utterly disconnected from reality, you are definitely not alone.

Authored by Michael Snyder: They tell us that inflation is under control, but I was just at the grocery store today and I could hardly believe the prices.  They tell us that unemployment is “low”, but large companies are laying off workers in droves.  And they tell us that things are getting better for the middle class, but the truth is that by mid-2024 the vast majority of Americans will have less money than they did in 2019

The majority of Americans have burned through their excess savings piled up during the COVID-19 pandemic, and in the coming months, JPMorgan says it is likely that almost everyone will be worse off financially than they were in 2019.

This Will Blow Your Mind: The Startling Truth Behind The "Dolores Umbridge" US University Presidents!

Redacted: Is this really about race? The rush to cancel university presidents is not about race or antisemitism. It's about war of course. And now we are being told that the one professor who wants to protect free speech is a plagiarist. This is like racism box ticking to distract us from war games.

TC: “The Germans Screwed Themselves Over Ukraine!” + Fighting The Establishment Makes For Strange Bedfellows!

"Germany's been occupied by the US for 80 years, like Japan they get this occupied people's syndrome, they hate themselves... They are sick fucks and they're capable of anything!"

Jimmy Dore: One of the enduring mysteries of the Ukraine War is why so many Western European nations — Germany in particuar — followed the United States’ lead like lapdogs against Russia, a nation responsible for supplying so much inexpensive natural gas to the continent. Germany screwed themselves, Tucker Carlson tells Jimmy, and now they’re paying the price, both literally and figuratively.Jimmy and Kurt Metzger talk to Carlson about how even the Nordstream bombing couldn’t derail German support for Ukraine.

How & Why They Executed Muammar Gaddafi - Africa's Last Hope + We Kicked Israel Out Of South Africa - Julius Malema

We Love Africa: Explore the intriguing history of Muammar Gaddafi, the renowned Libyan revolutionary and politician, in this insightful video. For those unfamiliar with his legacy, delve into key aspects of his life and influence. Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar Al Gaddafi, widely known as Muammar Gaddafi, emerged as a prominent African revolutionary leader, born on June 7, 1942, in Qasr Abu Hadi, Libya. His leadership spanned an impressive 42 years, from 1969 to 2011, concluding with his capture and subsequent death on October 20, 2011, following the battle of Sirte. While various theories surround the circumstances of his demise, this video aims to shed light on the true reasons behind his silencing.

In Gaza, “Dozens Of Displaced, Sick And Wounded People Buried Alive” By The Jews! – Day 70

In Gaza: death by Jewish Israel regime bulldozers, more journalists killed, Christians under attack, humanitarian catastrophe; the Jews kill 3 of their own as they surrender, gun down 2 Palestinians at point-blank range in West Bank concentration camp; Biden under pressure.

Horrific massacre in northern Gaza

IAK: Jews' bulldozers crush sick, wounded Palestinians outside Gaza hospital: Anas al-Sharif from Al Jazeera Arabic is reporting from the ground in Gaza that Israeli bulldozers have trampled over the tents used by Palestinians taking shelter outside Kamal Adwan Hospital and brutally crushed them. He filmed the scene after the Israeli army withdrew, saying the “stench of death was indescribable”.

According to witness testimony, information from medics, and media reports, Israeli forces “buried people alive in the hospital yard”.

A terrifying massacre and unspeakable scenes. What the Israeli occupation did inside Kamal Adwan Hospital is a horrific crime against citizens and medical staff.

Dozens of displaced, sick and wounded people were buried alive. The occupation [Israeli] bulldozers trampled the tents of the displaced people in the hospital yard and brutally crushed them.