British Censorship! 'Misandric' British Government To Arrest Citizens For 'Misogyny'

Redacted: "Misandric" British government will start arresting people for "misogyny" and they will monitor your social media to make sure you don't say anything at all that they don't like. They say that they are doing this to "combat the radicalization of young men online." This sounds like radical government to me! Jim Ferguson, a former Parliamentary candidate and journalist, joins us to discuss this.

Meet The Journalist Who EXPOSED The Man Brigitte Macron

"Brigitte Macron was in fact born a man." He was 47 years old and Emmanuel was 14 when Brigitte began to rape the current French president Emmanuel Macron.

Candace Owens: On today's show I speak with Xavier Poussard, the French Journalist who exposed the truth about Brigitte Macron to the world.

Zuck, Musk & Durov: Who Caved To Government Censorship And Who Defended Free Speech

As social media’s clout surges, Big Tech titans are clashing with Western governments over "limits" to freedom of speech.
By Ekaterina Blinova: Meta* CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted in a letter to the House Judiciary Committee that he caved to pressure from the Biden administration to censor free speech on Facebook, specifically COVID-19-related information.

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg's admission came on the heels of X owner Elon Musk's latest accusations against the Meta CEO, that "Zuck… censors free speech and gives governments backdoor access to user data."
Zuckerberg has repeatedly faced criticism from both ends of the American political spectrum. Republicans accuse the Meta CEO of censoring conservative voices, while Democrats castigate him for failing to adequately moderate online content.
US conservatives accused Zuckerberg of helping Democrats during the 2020 vote, after the tech entrepreneur and his wife donated around $420 million to election offices across the country.
In October 2020, both Facebook* and Twitter censored the much-talked-about story of Hunter Biden's "laptop from hell."
In the wake of the 2020 election and the January 6 unrest, Meta banned former President Donald Trump and some of his supporters.

Tulsi Gabbard Reveals The Real Reason Behind Endorsing Trump: 'This Is Personal For Me'

"Not only did he not start any new wars, but he took action to prevent them..."


By Tyler Durden: Former Democrat Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (HI) offered a detailed explanation for her endorsement of former President Donald Trump’s 2024 White House bid earlier this week on Fox Business’s “Kudlow.”

DAVID ASMAN: since you and RFK are part of the Trump campaign, explain why did you go with Trump?

TULSI GABBARD: The choice in this election is very clear and the differences between President Trump and Vice President Harris couldn't be more stark. Frankly, to put it simply, the choice for the American people is a choice with Donald Trump, a man who values peace, prosperity, and freedom. He has a record that proves that. And Vice President Kamala Harris, whose record shows an increasingly tyrannical government undermining our freedoms. We are embroiled in multiple wars and the world is closer to the brink of nuclear war than ever before, with increasing economic hardship for Americans throughout the 3½ years she served as Vice President of the United States. The contrast couldn't be more clear.

Alzheimer's Could Be A White Matter Disease, Not Gray

Neuroimaging studies have implicated micro and microstructural abnormalities in white matter in the risk and progression of Alzheimer’s...

Authored by RJ Tesi: Alzheimer’s disease (Alzheimer’s) is conceptualized as a progressive consequence of two hallmark pathological changes in gray matter, in particular, extracellular amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. However, over the past several years, neuroimaging studies have implicated micro and microstructural abnormalities in white matter in the risk and progression of Alzheimer’s, suggesting that in addition to the neuronal pathology characteristic of the disease, white matter degeneration and demyelination are crucial features of patients living with the disease. A shift to focus on white matter abnormalities, rather than gray matter, can open up critical new avenues in Alzheimer’s pathology and could be potential treatment targets. 

White matter vs. gray matter

The brain’s gray matter is mainly composed of neuronal cell bodies. Nerve cells in the gray matter are where memories are stored. Networks of nerve cell bodies process information in the brain. These neuronal networks are necessary for thinking, speaking, and most activities. White matter is made up of myelinated axons. 

White matter disease is the degeneration of tissue in the largest and deepest part of the brain. White matter tissue contains millions of nerve fibers, or axons, that connect other parts of the brain and spinal cord and signal your nerves to communicate to one another.  This 'talk' helps individuals think fast, walk straight, and perform other important cognitive functions. When diseased, the myelin, a fatty material that protects fibers in the brain, and the axons stop working and the brain and body halt normal functions.

30 Aug 2024

USA: Columbia Student Protester On Campus Free Speech And Fall Protests

"I am suspended just for participating in the Gaza solidarity encampment."

Glenn Greenwald

“The West does not want to avoid escalation. The West is looking for trouble. Western countries are like small children playing with matches.” — Lavrov

Americans THINK they're safe across the ocean, but they're not.

"Western countries are like small children playing with matches.”
By Hal Turner: The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, again warned the United States and the West that they are "playing with fire" - and specifically mentions nuclear weapons - as they encourage Ukraine to invade Russia.

Below, in video with English sub-titles Lavrov tells reporters "The West does not want to avoid escalation. The West is looking for trouble. Western countries are like small children playing with matches.”  He specifically references people doing this when nuclear weapons are involved

So that readers are aware that Lavrov did not mis-speak, he reiterated his remarks at a full blown press conference:

In the second clip above, Lavrov makes clear Russia is viewing developments in Ukraine as having potential for "World War 3"if the US and NATO continue causing Ukraine to escalate, Americans THINK they're safe across the ocean, [but they're not].

What Really Happened To Michael Jackson?

Candace Owens: It's Michael Jackson's birthday! Let's discuss what really happened to him.

Aluminum Foil: Convenient In The Kitchen, But Is It Safe?

Though the use of aluminum foil for cooking and food storage has been passed down for generations, research suggests it may be time for alternatives.

Authored by Sheramy Tsai: Aluminum foil, a kitchen staple used by millions for baking, grilling, and storing food, is now at the center of a growing debate. Concerns about aluminum safety have led experts to question whether this common household item may pose hidden health risks.

As studies reveal the potential for aluminum to leach into food during cooking—especially when acidic or salty ingredients are involved—scientists are examining whether cooking with aluminum foil contributes to the body’s overall aluminum burden. With aluminum present in many everyday products, understanding its cumulative impact on health is becoming increasingly important, say some.

Aluminum Foil: A Kitchen Essential

More than 93 percent of U.S. households use aluminum foil. Its durability and malleability make it a versatile tool, easily molded and shaped for various tasks.

Rowan Atkinson Just OBLITERATED The British Government

"Atkinson's words have not only aged like fine wine, but are as relevant as ever in our ongoing dialogue about who gets to say what, where and how. ...The freedom to speak one's mind and the new intolerance."

ND: Ever wondered if a single speech could shake the foundations of Parliament? Could the unassuming Mr. Bean, famed for his silent comedy, truly become a champion for free speech?
Today, we're diving into a moment that has aged like fine wine—Rowan Atkinson's 2012 Parliamentary speech.
This isn't just any talk; it's a rallying cry against the tightening grip on what Brits can say or share. You won't believe how relevant his words remain today, in light of all of Keir Starmer’s evil authoritarian moves.

29 Aug 2024

US Universities Silence Israel Critics! - With Chris Hedges

"Saying 'zionist' has been banned!"
Jimmy Dore: After cracking down on anti-genocide campus protests this spring, New York University is under fire this week for its new policy equating anti-Zionism with antisemitism as Israel continues its U.S.-backed assault on the Gaza Strip.
NYU's Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy and Procedures for Students (NDAH), updated last week, states in part that "using code words, like 'Zionist,' does not eliminate the possibility that your speech violates the NDAH Policy. For many Jewish people, Zionism is a part of their Jewish identity. Speech and conduct that would violate the NDAH if targeting Jewish or Israeli people can also violate the NDAH if directed toward Zionists."
Jimmy and investigative journalist and author Chris Hedges discuss this latest effort to marginalize and silence pro-Palestinian speech on college campuses.

Dutch Activist Eva Vlaardingerbroek Slams The British Government On Its Response To Indigenous Britons' Protests

"So the UK the country of the Magna Carta, arguably the first ever document in European history that stated that the government, the king was not above the law, is now sentencing people to jail for disagreeing with them online, or for attending a protest and saying we have had enough of your open borders policies."

"We have had enough of mass immigration of its detrimental consequences and we want change!"

FPJ: Dutch activist Eva Vlaardingerbroek has sharply criticized the British government over its handling of recent riots in the UK. In her statements, Vlaardingerbroek condemned the government's response, accusing it of failing to address the underlying issues and exacerbating the unrest.

Turley: Zuckerberg's Censorship Admission Is More Contrived Than Contrite

Democracy is not on the ballot in 2024, as many have claimed, but free speech is...

Authored by Jonathan Turley: “I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it.” Those words from Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg came this week with an admission in a letter that his company, Facebook, did yield to pressure from the Biden-Harris administration to censor American citizens on a wide array of subjects.

For those of us who have criticized Facebook for years for its role in the massive censorship system, Zuckerberg’s belated contrition was more insulting than inspiring. It had all of the genuine regret of a stalker found hiding under the bed of a victim.

Zuckerberg’s sudden regret only came after his company fought for years to conceal the evidence of its work with the government to censor opposing views. Zuckerberg was finally compelled to release the documents by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and the House Judiciary Committee.

Now forced to admit what many of us have long alleged, Zuckerberg is really, really sorry.

In my book “The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage,” I discuss Facebook’s record at length as a critical player in the anti-free speech alliance of government, corporate, academic, and media forces.

In prior testimony before the House Judiciary Committee and other congressional committees, I noted that Zuckerberg continued to refuse to release this information after Elon Musk exposed this system in his release of the “Twitter Files.”

United Arab Emirates FREEZES Billions In Contracts With France Over Arrest Of Telegram CEO

'Authorities in France - and other Western nations - do not like the fact that they cannot eavesdrop and spy on TELEGRAM users; so they're charging the CEO with "complicity" because he won't create a back-door for governments to spy.'

By Hal Turner: Reports are emerging that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) government has frozen billions of dollars worth of contracts with France from whom it was going to buy 80 fighter jets.  The reason: Telegram CEO Pavel Durov is a dual citizen with the United Arab Emirates being one of the 2 countries he is a citizen of.

France arrested Durov as he got off a plane in Paris, charging him with "Complicity" in alleged crimes carried out on - or through - his encrypted messaging app, TELEGRAM.

The arrest of the 39-year-old technology billionaire prompted on Sunday a warning from Moscow to Paris that he should be accorded his rights, and criticism from X owner Elon Musk, who said that free speech in Europe was under attack.

Charging this CEO for crimes committed by others who were using his app, would be like charging the maker of BIC pens for bad checks written by people . . . it makes no sense.

INSANE TikTok Trend: Get Pregnant Without A Man

"We don't need no men no mo."

Candace Owens: There is a disturbing TikTok trend on women getting pregnant without a man, Telegram founder Pavel Durov is accused of domestic violence, and Trump talks about "reproductive rights".

West Bank Explodes Overnight With Largest IDF Raid In Decades, 'Evacuations' Ethnic Cleansing Is Their Agenda

Colonialist white neo-Jews discuss the genocide of Christians and Muslims in West Bank

By Tyler Durden: The situation in the already restive and tense West Bank has exploded overnight, following major raids by genocidal white neo-Jews into the Palestinian territory involving hundreds of IDF troops.

Three areas were targeted simultaneously in what is the largest security raid on the occupied West Bank in two decades. Even fighter jets provided support on the assault on Jenin, Tulkarem and Tubas - and drones and bulldozers were seen operating as well. The ongoing operation impacts an area of some 80,000 Palestinians total.

At least ten Palestinians have been murdered by the Jews, including three after a targeted drone strike on their vehicle.

The Jews then said that the nine deceased "accidentally inadvertently cut their own heads off whilst shaving" The IDF further said "wanted suspects" have been rounded up in in Jenin and Tulkarem, and that IEDs have been uncovered and dismantled.

While much of the Gaza Strip has seen frequent evacuation orders due to the over 10-month long IDF anti-Hamas operation there, Israeli leadership is controversy mulling potential evacuations for parts of the West Bank.

Large-scale evacuations would be an unprecedented move in the territory which is administered by the Palestinian Authority (PA).

Bug Diets, Once Labeled 'Conspiracy Theory' By MSM, Now Becomes Fact After British Gov't Backs 'Sustainable' Food

Seriously running out of conspiracy theories...

By Tyler Durden: Let's start here. 

Earlier this year, NPR's Code Switch, Gene Demby and NPR reporter Huo Jingnan discussed, "The conspiracy theory alleges that a shadowy global elite conspires to control the world's population, in part by forcing them to eat insects." 

Well, do we have news for them...

28 Aug 2024

Guess I Was Wrong! + This Is Actually A Real Story

"New fears that rise in stabbing attacks may lead to rise in groups who want to stop rise in stabbing attacks. A recent spate of stabbing attacks may mean that more people will want to stop the recent spate of stabbing attacks on account of it being a spate of stabbing attacks."
m o d e r n i t y

US Parents Fight Back With Rising Use Of Religious Vaccine Exemptions For Their Children

"The rising percent of religious exemptions in recent years points to increasing rates of vaccine hesitancy among families..."

By Tyler Durden: Summer has officially come to a close. Families wrapped up beach and/or mountain vacations last weekend as kids now sit in the classroom, hopefully learning non-woke math and critical reading skills. A notable trend this school year is the increasing number of parents choosing to circumvent government-enforced vaccine requirements for their children through non-medical religious exemptions. 

Local non-profit media outlet Maryland Matters cited new data showing an increasing number of parents have opted their children out of vaccination requirements through non-medical religious exemption. The trend surged after draconian requirements pushed by an overreaching government during the Covid era. 

Here's more on the data from Maryland Matters: 

The number rarely rises above a percent or two of an incoming kindergarten class, typically accounting for no more than a couple hundred children per year. But that means that in the years since 2002, a total of more than 10,000 kindergartners have attended public and private schools without vaccination records, according to historical data from the Maryland Department of Health.

Escobar: EUR To Telegram - We're Coming To Get You!

Multitudes marvel at how a narcissist tech globalist could be so naïve to believe that liberal totalitarianism would ever protect his freedom...

Authored by Pepe Escobar: The Pavel Durov saga is a gift that will keep on giving for a long time to come. This is what hot information war is all about. So let’s attempt to connect several loose ends.

A high-level Russian analyst makes the case that Durov’s arrest is connected with “anti-French protests in its former colonies, withdrawal from its traditional ‘sphere of influence’ where Telegram infrastructure was used to push anti-colonial and anti-Macronist narratives”.

Add to it an “attempt to influence narratives on Ukraine both in Russian and the international media field, which is highly dependent on Telegram infrastructure.”

Paris is indeed desperate to make itself relevant when it comes to psy ops and influencing/special warfare in Ukraine.

However, as the analyst notes, the French don’t have the tech means to accomplish it. So this may have led to Macron deciding to “exercise a personal pressure campaign against Durov himself. French authorities must be rather desperate in trying to keep their heads in the game of global politics. And Telegram today is (his italics) global politics.”

Paris was just waiting for a big break. When the pilot of Durov’s Embraer private jet submitted his flight plan, there was no warrant for his arrest in France. Only when the jet was on its way to Le Bourget, Paris filed the warrant in haste. Durov was clueless all along.

In a nutshell: Paris got a fateful heads up he was flying into France – could have been via Durov’s Dubai-based, post-obsessive, social climbing girlfriend – and laid out the trap in a flash.

Labour Just Criminalised Masculinity

Richard The Fourth: Yvette Cooper has announced new measures to tackle young men getting influenced by 'alpha male' figures such as Andrew Tate. However, as we see when Jess Phillips tries to explain the policy, the Labour types have no idea why young men turn to such material and they are going to make things much worse.

Keir Starmer Promises MISERY: Don't Be Conned By It + 'The EXTRAORDINARILY Rapid CRUMBLING Of TRUST In Starmer'

Owen Jones: The Labour Government is promising the same crap which trashed this country in the first place. They want you to believe there's no alternative. There is!

Get Out NOW! Italy Is About EXPLODE And Millions Will Die! Why Are They Ignoring It?

Redacted: Dozens of volcanoes beneath Italy are ready to explode and yet the government is NOT sounding the alarm for people to get out now. Naples could be leveled and its 3 million residents destroyed so why aren't more people sounding the alarm?

Diddy Accuser Breaks Silence! “He’s A Monster”

"Diddy, Diddy, Diddy, ...Diddy do it?"

Candace Owens: Diddy's accuser breaks his silence, Mark Zuckerberg admits censorship pressure from Biden administration, and RFK makes some profound statements on the health of Americans.

27 Aug 2024

The World Is Devoid Of Intelligent Leadership

I am more convinced than ever that we are headed for nuclear Armageddon

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: As readers know, I admire Russian President Putin, but the reasons I admire him make him a failed war leader.

Putin is a product of an old conception of foreign affairs as a rational enterprise conducted by gentlemen who relied on agreement rather than on the imposition of power. Consequently, when faced with non-gentlemen, Putin finds he played his cards wrong and lacks power.

By this I mean conventional power. He went to war in Donbas without an army, and he still doesn’t have one. Therefore, the defense of Russia now resides in tactical nuclear weapons. Once they are used, it goes full scale.

Putin failed to understand that the conflict in Ukraine provoked by Washington had to be quickly won. He has failed to comprehend reality since 2014 when Washington overthrew, while Putin did nothing, the Ukrainian government. He still hasn’t built the massive Russian Army that would cause second thoughts among Washington’s NATO puppets.

How a leader of Putin’s quality fails in this way is beyond my understanding. Perhaps Putin is a Western liberal created by decades of Voice of America and Radio Free Europe propaganda beamed into the Soviet Union. So many Russian intellectuals, known as Atlanticist Integrationists, are a product of Washington propaganda and thus a threat to Russia.

Bill Gates: Eat 'Butter' Made From Air, What Could Go Wrong?

High Intensity Health: Jewish Ultra Zionist Eugenicist Bill Gates is backing a new start up making butter and cheese from air.

New Study Explores How Food Choices Shape Mental Health

The health of our bodies reflect what foods we choose to put in them... as do our minds.

Authored by Jennifer Sweenie: A study out of the University of Reading has found that a poor-quality diet may be associated with changes in the brain structure that are linked to depression and anxiety. This research provides new insights into the connection between what we eat and our mental well-being.

While the authors did not find a direct association between brain changes and anxiety or depression, they did see an increase in rumination, a common risk factor of the two.

What the Study Found

The study is the first to examine the relationship between diet quality and brain neurochemistry in humans. Thirty adults were divided into two groups based on whether they followed a high- or low-quality diet. Participants in both groups were similar in age, gender, education, income, and caloric and macronutrient intake.

The quality of the diet was defined by adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Participants reported how frequently they ate 130 different food items, their consumption frequency, and food intake habits. Screening questionnaires were administered to assess current depression, anxiety, and rumination levels. Whole brain MRI scans measured prefrontal cortex metabolite concentrations and gray matter volume.

The study found that participants in the low-quality diet group had lower levels of GABA, higher levels of glutamate, and reduced gray matter volume in the brain—markers commonly seen in depression and anxiety. Those in the high-quality diet group had balanced levels of GABA and glutamate and a larger volume of gray matter in the brain.

SNL’s Kenan Thompson CONFRONTED At DNC Over Gaza!

"You're just a tool of the establishment supporting genocide!"

Jimmy Dore: Longtime Satruday Night Live performer Kenan Thompson was at this year’s DNC to throw his weight behind the candidacy of Kamala Harris. What he wasn’t there to do, clearly, is answer questions about why he would support a ticket that’s actively funding a genocide in Gaza. And that’s what The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal discovered when he tried to ask Thompson questions about his endorsing Harris rather than joining the protesters calling out the genocide.

Jimmy credits Max for asking tough questions and points out that Thompson seems more angry about being asked about Gaza than about Democrats’ support for Israel’s genocide.

When Diversity Backfires

"Yet another reminder of the disastrous consequences of open borders, yet another brazen example of what happens when you open the floodgates to vast quantities of young men many of whom throw away their passports upon arrival meaning authorities don't even know who they are."

Paul Joseph Watson

The Western World Is a Unified Police State

Dear Fellow British Citizens, We Have Been Banned From Reading The Content Of The Links In This Post By Our So-Called Representatives In Our Fascist Globalist Orwellian British Government - You Will Need To Use A VPN

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Free speech is dead. Constitutional rights are dead. Democracy is dead. Respect for truth is dead. There is no rule of law. There is no hope for freedom. Ethnic-based national existence has been terminated with replacement populations. The entire Western world offers nothing to fight for, only to fight against.

It is extraordinary that Durov, Telegram’s founder, was so naive as to travel in the West after refusing US intelligence services demands to incorporate Telegram into the West’s surveillance system. It reminds of the gullibility of the Russian president and foreign minister who, unable to recognize the Nazis confronting them, spoke of “our American partners.” It seems that the Voice of America and Radio Free Europe did a complete propaganda job on Russians and succeeded in convincing them that the West is a land of democracy, good will, rule of law, and honest dealings. The fact that a person as intelligent as Durov failed to recognize that the Western World is a complete and total police state makes one wonder if this fact has yet occurred to Putin and Lavrov. How is it possible that Russians cannot see that not a single Western government represents the people?

A Gentleman’s Strike

No amount of bemoaning the lot of men in general, and fathers in particular, will ever have any effect. The innate psychologies of both men and women will see to that. ...Any taint of victimhood must be rejected by men.

By William Collins: I was intending to write a review of Stephen Baskerville’s latest book Who Lost America? Why the United States Went “Communist” and What to Do About It (Arktos, 2024). I find that F. Roger Devlin has written such an excellent review already that it would seem otiose to add to it. I recommend Devlin’s review as well, of course, as Baskerville’s book itself. The review by John Waters is also recommended. I will give just a short reprise of some of the major themes before focussing on the main event – which is what to do about it?

The Problem

After a rundown of the key factors that have degraded Western societies (focussed on the USA but we can read across to any Western nation) Baskerville asks “Why?”. Why did all this happen? To quote Devlin, “Baskerville claims his new book is the first to try to explain why they (the various social pathologies) occurred—or more precisely, why they were not prevented. For the motives of those who carried out the coup are less important than the inability of wiser men to stop them.”

Europe Is Being INVADED And It's Exactly What The WEF Has Planned

"They will call you a racist, they will call you a bigot, if you call out what is happening."


EMERGENCY! France Arrests Telegram Founder, Pavel Durov

Candace Owens: France arrests Pavel Durov, Brittany Mahomes is in hot water for liking a Trump instagram post, and why does the media always seem to attack Justin Bieber?

26 Aug 2024

Fascism 2.0, Part 3: Feudalism 2.0

'Blackrock via their holdings DuPont, Cargill and Monsatan now own 30% of all agriculture land in Ukraine.'

Authored by Paul Lancefield: Now in this third article in the series, I want to link this back to what we started out discussing. How our closed and controlled Social Media services are now processing every post with an LLM.

My point today is not to prove linkages and corruption of the narrative being fed to the masses via Social Media. Such an investigation could be the subject of an entire book in itself.

Rather today, I would like to plant a seed.

Many reading this will already be in agreement with my belief we are entered into and age of Fascism 2.0. But if you are not yet aware, if you haven’t yet recognised the pervasive and consistent propaganda, my hope is you will start to notice.

My hope is that you will start to see our newspapers only carry the stories which support narratives furthering the globalist desire to fix policy-driven markets. Never the stories that contradict them. And Social Media (less so X now) similarly down regulate posts when they are critical of the policies sought. But for good measure, let me give two examples of recent news suppression matching this pattern.

Across Europe, farmers have been demonstrating. The demonstrations relate generally to costs and economic pressures on farming. And at the heart of the ill feeling we find another policy benefiting globalist within one of their subjects of interest.

Russia Launches VERY LARGE Attacks Upon Entire Ukraine + 5,500 Westerners & Ukrainians Dead! - Dare Step Into Russia

'More than 60 missiles and 100 drones were used by Russia in the attack on Ukraine over two hours.'
By Hal Turner: At about 10:00 PM EDT last night, Russia sortied at least eleven (11) Tu-95 Bombers into the air toward either Ukraine or toward launch positions in the Caspian Sea.  All of Ukraine went under air raid warning sirens, as seen on the map above.

At about 11:00 PM EDT, Russia had at least four Kalibr Missile launch vehicles in the Black Sea, which left port in the Krasnodar Krai Oblast:
- 1 submarine - 2 frigates - 1 missile boat - This setup allowed for a potential salvo of up to 24 Kalibr missiles.

At that same hour, Russia had already launched at least 55 Shaheed Attack Drones over  Ukraine:

In addition to the Tu-95's, and the naval vessels, Russia also prepared at least 9 MiG-31s for sorties.

With an inventory of  6 Tu-22,   9 MiG-31k,  11 Tu-95,   2 Su-57  and 4 Kalibr missile vessels, most observers believed whatever attack was planned against Ukraine, it was going to be very large.

Suddenly Explosions began in Ukraine's Krivoy Rog from Iskander missiles.  Shortly thereafter, as one observer stated, there were "Explosions all over the bloody shop."

Labour's North Sea Windfall Tax Sparks Industry Backlash

The tax hike, intended to fund green initiatives, has been criticized for potentially hindering investment in both fossil fuels and transition technologies...

  • Over 40 energy sector companies have voiced their concerns over Labour's proposed windfall tax increase, warning it could lead to significant job losses.

  • The tax hike, intended to fund green initiatives, has been criticized for potentially hindering investment in both fossil fuels and transition technologies.

  • While the government argues the tax is necessary for the UK's clean energy transition, industry leaders believe it will have a detrimental impact on the economy and energy security.

Via The government’s plans for North Sea oil and gas are a “blunt response” that could jeopardise hundreds of thousands of jobs not just in the energy sector, several of the industry’s leading figures have warned.

In an open letter to the Treasury, over 40 companies with operations in the North Sea voiced their “grave concern” with the new government’s plans for the Energy Profits Levy, which include raising the headline rate of tax to 78 percent and removing the allowance for investment and exploration.

"Musk Should Be Nervous" - Deep State Lackey Admits Real Target Following Telegram Founder's Arrest

"Now basically they have a hostage and they will try to blackmail Russia, they will try to blackmail all the users of Telegram."

By Tyler Durden: Russia is demanding answers following the arrest Pavel Durov, the billionaire co-founder and CEO of messaging app Telegram. He was detained by French authorities at the Bourget airport outside of Paris Saturday evening after arriving in his private jet.

The Russian embassy in Paris has demanded that the French government explain itself, and has so far said that French authorities are being uncooperative. The latest reports say Durov is expected to appear before a judge Sunday evening.

The embassy said of the 39-year-old Russian-born billionaire that "as soon as the news of Durov’s arrest broke, we immediately addressed the French authorities for clarification on the reasons for it and demanded that they ensure the protection of his rights and provide consular access to him."

He not only has Russian citizenship by virtue of his birth there, but also holds dual citizenship in France and the UAE.

Russian diplomats say there has been no reply from Paris: "The French side has so far been avoiding cooperation on this issue," a statement said. Russian lawmakers have gone so far as to say he is now a "political prisoner".

Russian member of parliament Maria Butina said on Sunday, "Pavel Durov is a political prisoner - a victim of a witch-hunt by the West.

"The arrest of Pavel Durov means there is no freedom of speech - it means that freedom of speech in Europe is dead,"

Just When You Think PM Keir Starmer Can't Sink Any Lower

"Keir Starmer is a Neo-Woke-Stalin figure."

Richard The Fourth: Keir Starmer is set to say things are going to get a lot worse before they get... worse in an upcoming speech. Personally, I don't know if we've ever had a PM so out of touch and potentially dangerous as Keir Starmer.